WoLF in the News: April 2023

Thanks our supporters, the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) continues to pursue our mission to restore, protect, and advance the rights of women and girls!

WoLF focuses on issues affecting the sex-based rights of women and girls in the United States, which mainstream feminist organizations largely ignore. Recently, WoLF’s groundbreaking model legislation - the Women’s Bill of Rights - was enacted into Kansas state law! This is a monumental win for women and girls.

As more lawmakers seek to protect sex-based understandings in law and policy, the integrity of Title IX and women’s sports continue to hold our nation’s attention. Take action! Ask your US Senators to save women’s sports! You can also aid our charitable efforts by making a tax-deductible gift - thank you for making this work possible!

Read a selection of recent news coverage of WoLF’s feminist efforts at the feminist front lines —

April 26 - U.S. Sen. Tuberville: Title IX must be protected to keep female athletes on the winning side (1819 News)

Female athletes such as 12-time NCAA All-American swimmer Riley Gaines have courageously spoken out about the danger of undoing Title IX protections, despite the left trying to threaten her into silence. She isn’t the only one — even liberal women’s groups are waking up to the disastrous impact this would have for female athletes, with Women’s Liberation Front and Women’s Declaration International USA becoming the latest groups opposing the Biden administration’s new rule. They know the severe consequences of pushing our girls and young women to the sidelines.

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April 23 - GOP passes girls’ sports bill, as all House Dems side with Lia Thomas (The Christian Post)

If Democrats think this will endear them to their feminist base, they’re mistaken. Far-liberal groups like Women’s Liberation Front and Women’s Declaration International USA are deeply disturbed that the president’s party is leading the stampede to throw girls overboard. “I am a registered Democrat and always have been,” Kara Dansky, president of WDI USA told Fox News, “and I think it’s the height of hypocrisy for Democratic leadership — including the president — to champion the rights of women and girls to abortion… while simultaneously denying the rights of women and girls to single-sex spaces.”

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April 24 - Prime News with Jenn Pellegrino: "Media Silent on Transgender Extremists" (Newsmax)

“This gender identity movement - I’ve been fighting this since the early 80s and I’m not exaggerating - but it’s populated by men exactly like you just saw, and they are outraged when women say no. Maya Angelou very famously warned us that when someone tells you who he is, believe him. We need to believe him. He’s not joking around.

Psychiatrists call this aggrieved entitlement and it’s a feature of narcissistic personalities and that’s what we’re up against. This man thinks he has a right to break through every single boundary that women might lay down - not just a moral right but a legal right - to do this. When we say no, this is what we’ve got coming.”

- Lierre Keith, Women’s Liberation Front

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April 21 - Rob Schmitt Tonight: Liberal Feminist Groups Back Bill Banning Men From Female Sports (Newsmax)

“Women have a right to a word that describes ourselves and that word is ‘woman’ and it means so simply: adult human female. We have a right to that word, and that means that men can’t have it. It’s already taken and what happens the moment when you let that word be porous, the moment you take the concept ‘woman’ and ‘we don’t know what it means anymore’ then men - the worst men on the planet, not all men, I understand that - decide that they want in. So, they take our sports, our battered women’s shelters, our healthcare, our rape crisis centers, our lockerrooms, our bathrooms, our hospital wards; and we have horror stories now from all over the world about exactly what these men are doing when they gain access to vulnerable women and girls.

[...Genocide] is the word [transactivists] are throwing around - even though, as a category, this demographic of men who call themselves women is actually one of the safest demographics in the country. They have one of the lowest murder rates of all. So they’re lying, they like to put out these lies and then people feel sorry for them because we’re all nice and don’t want them to be hurt.

But I am not afraid. I have been fighting this movement since - believe it or not - the early 80s. Some of us saw this coming a long time ago and hats off to my feminist foremothers who wrote books about this in 1979. You can read Jan Raymond’s book The Transsexual Empire - she saw all of this coming in 1979. So, there have been those of us on the ground that long, we have not gotten any press, and we haven’t got much media attention, but I will tell you we’ve been here all along - watching as this movement took over everything that women have fought for. So, no I am not afraid and I want to inspire other women to be brave. Riley Gaines is amazing. Everyday, there’s another strong woman coming out and defending other women and girls. We can get this done.”

- Lierre Keith, Women’s Liberation Front

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April 21 - ‘Radical feminists’ agree with women's sports bill that passed House (FOX News)

"Women have a right to a word to ourselves. And that word is 'woman.' And men can't have it; the moment you grant them the word 'woman,' they then get our sports, our spaces, our prisons, our battered women's shelters, our healthcare, and our everything. So, they can't have it.

[The Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act] is not an anti-trans bill; it's a pro-girl bill. It's a bill that says what everybody knew until five minutes ago. We know that men and women have different physical capacities. And for there to be any fairness for girls, we have to keep men out of women's sports. [...]

If we can start to make some progress on asserting common sense and women's rights, we can roll back some of the horrors that have happened around this country. And I mean, you know, putting rapists in women's prisons, which has happened here in California."

- Lierre Keith, Women's Liberation Front

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April 19 - ‘Radical feminist’ groups break with Biden, join GOP in support of women's sports bill: 'Height of hypocrisy' (FOX News)

This week, Women's Liberation Front and Women's Declaration International USA broke with the President Biden and joined congressional Republicans in support of H.R. 734, or the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act, a bill that would prevent biological males from participating in women's sports.

Lierre Keith, the board chair of the Women's Liberation Front, echoed Dansky in her determination to protect single-sex sports. "Women and girls deserve to play in athletic competitions that are fair and safe. Single-sex sports are critical to ensuring equal opportunity, scholarships, and careers, and new 'gender identity' policies threaten to set women back decades in progress," she said in a statement.

"Girls who play sports demonstrate higher levels of confidence and positive body-image, achieve better grades in school, and are more likely to graduate. Additionally, even the fastest female Olympians are still out-run by high school boys, and biological differences between males & females are not even remotely changed by hormones or surgery," she said.

Keith added that "most ‘gender identity' policies" don't require physical or hormonal changes for men to identify as women and compete in the same sport, and cited polling showing Americans largely disagree with allowing "trans-identified boys and men" to compete against girls and women.

"For all these reasons, we strongly support the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act," she said.

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April 19 - Even years of toxic relationships didn't prepare female prisoners for this (The Christian Post)

Most of these women are too afraid of retaliation or losing their parole dates to write inmate complaints or report incidents because they’ve watched their peers lose everything in their attempts to stand up for their limited rights. The lawsuit that was filed against the state department of corrections by the Women’s Liberation Front on behalf of four incarcerated women on grounds that forcing them to live with males in prison is cruel and unusual punishment under the Constitution remains stagnant.

These forgotten women have written to state assembly members, state senators, federal lawmakers, celebrities and newspapers. There has been little to no interest from anyone. They are constantly overlooked.

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April 17 - Will New York Put Men in Women’s Prisons? (The Wall Street Journal)

The risks should be obvious. In New Jersey, two female prisoners have become pregnant by a male inmate housed in the women’s prison after what corrections officials said were consensual relations. In California, there have been numerous reports of sexual assault by male offenders transferred to women’s facilities under a law similar to A709. The California law is being challenged in a federal civil-rights case by four female prisoners represented by the Women’s Liberation Front. The case even has support from some male prisoners who identify as women, who have seen the harms of these policies firsthand.

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April 4 - What is a woman? Kansas Legislature passes bill defining male, female (The Washington Times)

Kansas is the first state to pass the Women’s Bill of Rights, whose language was drafted last year by the right-tilting Independent Women’s Voice and Independent Women’s Law Center, and the left-tilting Women’s Liberation Front.

Lauren Bone, attorney and policy advisor for the Women’s Liberation Front, said that opponents want to paint the bill as “anti-LGBT, but lesbian and bisexual women are disproportionately represented where female-only housing is most critical, such as homeless shelters and prisons.”

“This is why a feminist nonprofit like WoLF teamed up with IWV to write the Women’s Bill of Rights; so that laws protecting them and all marginalized women cannot be changed outside of the democratic process,” she said.

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April 3 - Dozens of Gender-Confused Male Inmates are Living in Female Facilities in California (California Family Council)

In 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act (SB 132) into law, allowing inmates to decide where to be housed based not on their biological sex, but on their gender identity.

The California Family Council strongly opposed this bill as it made its way through the legislative approval process, and testified against the bill in committee while the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) filed a lawsuit. Unfortunately, the bill was still signed into law.

As a result, 47 male inmates are currently living in female facilities in California.

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Read MORE: Letters From The Front


Take Action! Protect Title IX & Women’s Sports!


Historic Victory! Kansas Becomes First State to Enact WoLF’s Women’s Bill of Rights