Female Future Society
To ensure the legacy of women’s sex-based rights, WoLF respectfully accepts beneficiary designation in wills, living trusts, and more.
Planned Giving & Bequests
As a part of the larger radical feminist and gender-critical movement, WoLF understands the magnitude and complexity of our key issue areas. Making a planned gift through your will or living trust is both flexible and rewarding—The Female Future Society provides a unique opportunity to donors interested in fulfilling our vision for the total liberation of women and girls.
Society members enrich and expand our essential legal actions, public education, and policy advocacy without affecting their financial security or freedom.
How to Establish a Charitable Bequest
In your will or living trust, you can give a variety of assets, such as a specific sum of money or a percentage/residue of your estate. A simple directive in your will or living trust — called a charitable bequest — profoundly advances WoLF’s mission.
Charitable bequests are straightforward to arrange, reduce your assets subject to taxation, and do not affect your current assets. Additionally, there are no immediate out-of-pocket costs to you or any disruption to your lifestyle.
Are You Ready to Leave a Legacy for women and girls?
Legal advice is essential when drafting or amending your will. As a reflection of your final wishes, your will should be carefully planned to accomplish what it is you desire. If you are interested in including the Women’s Liberation Front in your estate plans, we urge you to first seek the assistance of a personal legal and/or financial advisor to account for tax and estate planning consequences.
When meeting with your attorney or trusted advisor, you can provide the following information about WoLF:
Legal Name: Womens Liberation Front
Mailing Address: 1802 Vernon St NW, #2036, Washington, DC 20009
Tax Identification Number: 81-3249020
IRS Tax-Exempt Status: Nonprofit 501(c)(3)
IRS Public Charity Status: IRC Section 170(b)(1)(A)(vi)
WoLF is qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under Section 2055, 2106, or 2522.
Join the Female Future Planned Giving Society
If you choose to include WoLF in your planned giving, we encourage you to let us know so we may thank you and welcome you as an honored member of the Female Future Society!
Society members have the option to be publicly recognized on the WoLF website and in our Annual Reports. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we will keep your bequest intention confidential. Finally, we understand if you cannot or prefer not to disclose specific amounts or projections regarding your charitable bequest intent. Your support is truly appreciated!
Thank you for your interest in supporting women and girls!
With the many ways to support women’s liberation, a charitable bequest through your will is just one. Learn about other ways to support WoLF here.
We encourage you to reach out if you have questions, without any obligation — To contact us, please email Development@WomensLiberationFront.org or call 202-964-0986.
Explore other “tax-smart” giving alternatives!
While cash donations are always appreciated, there are other forms of giving that can have a profound impact on our work and may also offer you financial benefits. Please download our permanent giving guide as a convenient reference guide for your future giving plans.