become a Friend of WoLF
Your generous gift funds our nonpartisan, radical feminist legal advocacy and public education efforts.
A big ‘thank you!’ to our donors…
Without you all, we could not do this work!
WE thank OUR “Liberation” and “Sovereignty” Friends for GREATLY advancing the Front line of Feminism!
Heather M.
Karen J.
Angela G.
Jessica B.
LaTosha S.
Nathalie P.
Amrita D.
Heather M. ♀ PATRICIA W. ♀ LIZ T. ♀ Karen J. ♀ Angela G. ♀ Jessica B. ♀ LaTosha S. ♀ Nathalie P. ♀ Amrita D. ♀
YOUR NAME could be here!
Friends of WoLF are recognized as our most loyal donors.
At any level, your monthly recurring Friends of WoLF pledge provides the reliable support that makes all our work possible—and allows us to plan for future needs.
Your generous commitment as a Friend of WoLF also minimizes our fundraising and administrative expenses, putting your dollars to work as efficiently as possible on behalf of women and girls.
Thank you for your interest in sustaining our charitable work to RESTORE, PROTECT, AND ADVANCE THE SEX-based rights of women & Girls!
resistance level
Recurring gifts of $5 - $9.99 per month
In recognition of their support, these Friends receive:
Assorted WoLF sticker pack*
Our sincere appreciation for your dedication to the sex-based rights of women and girls!
*Stickers may vary
freedom level
Recurring gifts of $10 - $24.99 per month
In recognition of their kind support, these Friends receive:
Recycled pocket notebook, 30 ruled pages
Black WoLF pen
All lesser-tier benefits
Our sincere appreciation for your dedication to the sex-based rights of women and girls!
autonomy level
Recurring gifts of $25 - $49.99 per month
In recognition of their generous support, these Friends receive:
Black cotton canvas tote, 5 oz. with 26” straps
All lesser-tier benefits
Optional acknowledgment in the next annual report
Our sincere appreciation for your dedication to the sex-based rights of women and girls!
Sovereignty level
Recurring gifts of $50-$84.99 per month
In recognition of their amazing support, these Friends receive:
White ceramic WoLF mug, 11 oz., microwave-safe
All lesser-tier benefits
Optional acknowledgments in the next annual report and the WoLF website
Our sincere appreciation for your dedication to the sex-based rights of women and girls!
Liberation level
Recurring gifts of $85 or more per month
In recognition of their tremendous support, these Friends receive:
Black heavy blend hooded sweatshirt, 50% cotton/50% polyester (Unisex sizes: Small, Medium, Large, X-Large)
All lesser-tier benefts
Optional acknowledgments in the next annual report and the WoLF website
Our sincere appreciation for your dedication to the sex-based rights of women and girls!
YOUR recurring gift helpS us plan ahead.
*The amount of your Friends of WoLF gift is tax-deductible minus the value of any cash-value benefit (e.g. WoLF merchandise) you redeem.
After creating your pledge, please complete the registration survey to accept or decline your opt-in benefits. Let us know whether you wish to remain anonymous or be recognized publicly.
All newly joined Friends of WoLF opting to receive merch will have their perks fulfilled on the last business day of each month, please allow up to 2 months to receive your Friend of WoLF benefits.
If you are unable to complete the survey, need assistance, or have questions, please contact:
WoLF exists to protect, advance, and restore the rights of women and girls.
With a focus on US law and public policy, our legal advocacy fights against gender identity and more.