

Abortion, Surrogacy, and Women’s Healthcare Autonomy

WoLF unapologetically supports reproductive freedom for women.

Reproductive freedom includes, but is not limited to, women’s rights to abortion and birth control for any reason, and freedom from coerced sterilization, abortion, and birth control. We fight against surrogacy and the commodification of women’s reproductive systems. We promote the visibility of midwives and doulas, and we encourage women’s knowledge and self-care of their bodies; this includes promoting informed consent for women when they receive healthcare. We speak out against women’s mistreatment and lack of adequate treatment in healthcare systems.

Latest WOlF News On Reproductive Autonomy


Our Stance

  • We defend women’s bodily sovereignty.

  • Unapologetically support abortion on demand.

  • Fight against surrogacy and the commodification of women’s bodies.

  • Provide educational materials on relevant legislative proposals.

  • Promote the visibility of midwives and doulas.

  • Encourage women’s knowledge and self-care of our bodies.

  • Speak out against women’s mistreatment in healthcare and lack of adequate treatment.