LGB Rights

WoLF supports the needs of lesbian and bisexual women.

Lesbian (noun or adjective): a female person who is only sexually or romantically attracted to the same sex; of, relating to, or characterized by sexual or romantic attraction to other women or between women.

The Latest News From WoLF on LGB Rights

Letters From the Front

How Gender IDentity Harms Lesbians

Lesbians on Chairs with Linda Bellos

The title “Lesbians on Chairs” was coined when Dr. Julia Long was forcibly removed from an event seemingly just for being a lesbian. Following in the footsteps of the UK’s Lesbians on Chairs panel in May 2019, this installment features Corrina D’Annibale, Jocelyn Macdonald, Marian Rutigliano, and legendary activist Linda Bellos. Filmed on October 8, 2019 in Washington DC, mere hours after WoLF’s Supreme Court rally to protect women and girl’s sex-based rights, the four talk about issues such as how could our communities be more inclusive of women of color, working class women, women with disabilities, and others who have been historically marginalized, what are the biggest obstacles that radical feminists and lesbians face today, what are the best strategies to get the word out about radical feminism, and the question we’ve all been waiting for—what’s your favorite part about being a lesbian!

“While claiming to fight homophobia, you promote the neutering of many youth whom you know are likely to grow up to be happily same-sex attracted, and abet the abuse of lesbians and gay men over exclusive same-sex attraction. This will not end discrimination against LGB people.”