We work to RESTORE, PROTECT, and ADVANCE the rights of women and girls.
To restore, protect, and advance the rights of women and girls using legal argument, policy advocacy, and public education.
we believe
That female humans, the class of people called women, are oppressed by men under a system called patriarchy.
That patriarchy is organized around the extraction of resources from female bodies and minds in the service of men, including reproductive, sexual, emotional, and labor resources.
That gender is a hierarchical caste system that organizes male supremacy. Gender cannot be reformed – it must be abolished.
That overlapping systems of injustice built on misogyny, racism, and wealth inequality must all be dismantled for all women to be free.
Halt male extraction of resources from female bodies and minds, by regaining reproductive sovereignty, ending male violence including the sexual exploitation industry, and ensuring that women control the material conditions of our lives.
Disrupt and ultimately end the enforcement of gender, because women’s liberation can only be won when this caste system has been abolished.
Empower women to organize as a class, including the creation and maintenance of women-only spaces.
We focus on issues that affect women and girls in the United States and are ignored by mainstream feminist organizations.
Abolishing GENDER Ideology
We educate about the harms of gender and its centrality to male domination.
Facilitate a cultural shift away from gender roles and sex-stereotypes.
Defend sex-segregation of domestic violence shelters and prisons, which affects the most consistently vulnerable, impoverished, and abused women.
Defend sex-segregation of women’s sports, bathrooms, and locker rooms.
Support the needs of lesbian and bisexual women.
Support detransitioners in their struggle to be healed and heard.
Speak out against targeted censorship and defend free speech for women.
Abolishing male violence
We seek to combat the global epidemic of male violence.
Organize visible resistance to rape culture.
Fight to obtain legal justice for survivors of male violence.
Fight against the normalization of violent or degrading sexual practices, the eroticization of women’s pain, and toxic relationships.
Abolishing Commercial Sexual Exploitation
We work to abolish prostitution and pornography as forms of violence against women.
Provide education and support for the Nordic Model of legislation that holds johns and pimps accountable.
Promote civil remedies for the harms of the pornography industry.
We defend women’s bodily sovereignty.
Unapologetically support abortion on demand.
Fight against surrogacy and the commodification of women’s bodies.
Provide educational materials on relevant legislative proposals.
Promote the visibility of midwives and doulas.
Encourage women’s knowledge and self-care of our bodies.
Speak out against women’s mistreatment in healthcare and lack of adequate treatment.
our top accomplishments
women’s prisons and shelters
Filed a lawsuit on behalf of incarcerated women in California, who had been subject to assaults due to the passage of SB132, the California law that mandates prisons allow men to be housed in women’s prisons and jails if the men so choose.
Represented a public citizen in a lawsuit regarding public records requests being withheld on sexual abuse in the women’s prison in Washington.
Testified in opposition to SB 132, the bill introduced in the California legislature by state Senator Scott Wiener, mandating that prisons under the state’s jurisdiction allow men to be housed in women’s prisons and jails if the man so chooses. Further, arranged for constituents to contact their legislators in opposition, and petition the governor against signing the bill.
public talks and education
Held a widely publicized and well attended public talk at the Seattle Public Library on the “new misogyny” inherent in gender ideology, and many others.
Written articles, spoken on radio, and appeared on TV to reach new audiences.
sex-based civil rights
Was the only feminist organization in the nation to submit legal briefs to the U.S. Supreme Court calling for the preservation of sex-based civil rights laws and objecting to legal recognition of “transgender status” under such laws.
Testified before Congress against proposals to undermine women’s civil rights through bills that would enshrine “gender identity.”
Met with top officials at three federal agencies to educate them on the value of sex-based civil rights for women and girls.
Testified in support of the Vulnerable Child Protection Act, introduced in the South Dakota legislature by Rep. Fred Deutsch, to prevent medical harm to children who’ve diagnosed themselves with gender identity issues.
Testified in opposition to several state bills providing for self-identification of sex on official government-issued identification documents.
Reproductive Sovereignty
Endorsed Women’s Health Protection Act (passed House, stalled in senate) - codifies Roe v. Wade
Opposed Texas’ “Heartbeat Bill” and created a CTA in response to this bill, which bans most abortions after 6 weeks.
Continue to fight against surrogacy and the commodification of women’s bodies.
Submitted amicus brief for Meriwether case on academic freedom (re: pronouns and honorifics)
Submitted amicus brief for Green v. MUSA to protect all-women group’s right to define women by biology and associate only with other women
Protested the D.C. offices of Facebook, Twitter, and the Human Rights Campaign, to voice objections to the censorship and deplatforming of radical feminist discussions and individuals.
Supported a WoLF member in fighting hate crime charges for feminist stickering.
equality model
Helped defeat a proposed law change in the District of Columbia that would have legalized pimping and brothel-running activities that exploit vulnerable women and girls.
polling data
Published groundbreaking public polling data from likely voters in Idaho and California, exposing the lack of public support for “gender identity” policies, such as allowing men and boys to identify into female-only sports and sterilizing dysphoric children.
poll data
View all of WoLF’s national and statewide polling data on our Resources page.