Protecting Women’s And Girls’ Sports

Resources, relevant news, and important litigation

The Latest News on Women’s Sports



Polls Reveal Overwhelming Public Support for Protecting Single-Sex Sports

Two-thirds (67 percent) of American voters across the country think boys and men who say they identify as transgender should not be allowed to compete in girls’ and women’s athletics.

(source: WoLF Oct 2020 National Polling)



Key WoLF Resources on Women’s Sports

Download our printable one-pager on women’s sports.

With polling stats, examples of harm, and basics about biology, this handout is perfect for printing out and providing to lawmakers, school officials, parents, or anyone you’d like to help educate on the issue.



The petition requests the Department of Education affirm Title IX rights to single-sex spaces, women’s and girls’ sports, and free speech on campus.

Hecox v Little Amicus Brief, US Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

WoLF submitted an amicus brief in an Idaho lawsuit by a male student-athlete and the ACLU attempting to overturn the state Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.

Selected Examples of Harm From Gender Identity Policies (including in Sports)

This detailed document outlines ten different examples from various states as well as internationally of women and girls who have been harmed in sports by “gender identity” polices.



Women Speak: The Idaho Example

WoLF is joined by Barbara Ehardt (the bill author), Inga Thompson (Olympic athlete and foundation founder), Keely Emerine-Mix (WoLF member and Idaho resident), and Jennifer Chavez (former WoLF board member and attorney) to discuss the Idaho Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.



Learn More

To learn more about the issue of single-sex sports and how women and girls are harmed by gender identity policies, check out these resources and organizations:

Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS)

A network and advocacy group comprised of current and former collegiate and professional women athletes and their families and supporters.

Save Women's Sports

A coalition that seeks to preserve biology-based eligibility standards for participation in female sports.

Boys vs. Women

Comparing the world track records of high school boys vs. Olympic women.

World Rugby

Transgender guideline with detailed research on male vs. female biological differences and risk factors for injury


Take Action!

National Women’s Sports Week celebrates the incredible expansion of opportunities for female athletes since the passage of Title IX in 1972 and recognizes the role of Title IX in guaranteeing equal athletic opportunities. The week also honors the coaches and parents who empower female athletes.

We're asking Congress to pass the joint resolution officially establishing National Women's Sports Week because women's sports are under attack across the country. When men are allowed to compete as women, female athletes lose opportunities. Recognizing the importance of these opportunities for women and girls has never been more important.