The Southern Poverty Law Center Doesn’t Care About Women

In a six-part series that namedrops WoLF over a dozen times while attempting to “debunk” inconvenient realities about gender identity, they spared not one sentence addressing our actual concern: the harm to women and girls. 

A new series of articles by the Southern Poverty Law Center attempts to combat “anti-LGBTQ+ pseudoscience.” Unfortunately, the project is just another example of how mainstream so-called “liberal” organizations have completely abandoned women in favor of a regressive and dogmatic ideology that refuses to hear any debate. 

Despite name-dropping WoLF over a dozen times throughout over 55,000 words (the length of a short novel), the SPLC does not devote even a single sentence to attempting to debunk our primary concern with gender identity ideology: the harm to women and girls.

The SPLC mistakenly lumps lesbian, gay, and bisexual people in with “transgender” through the repeated use of the misleading “LGBTQ+” acronym, though doing so harms LGB rights — another major concern the SPLC ignores.

Women, girls, and LGB rights are subsumed, if not run roughshod over, in the SPLC’s vaulting of the rights of transgender individuals.

Women are less equal today in the United States than we were ten years ago. This is not only due to the rollback of abortion rights after Dobbs, but also the erosion of the civil rights laws that have protected women and girls and the destruction of single-sex spaces that exist for our safety and dignity.

While the SPLC claims to represent the needs of black Americans, black women often face some of the most egregious harms from these policies. Incarcerated women, who are disproportionately black, have been victims of violent sexual assault when forced to be housed with male offenders. It’s no surprise, then, that polling shows black voters are less likely than white to support gender identity policies. The SPLC, of course, does not seem concerned with the reality facing black women or the actual interest of the people they claim to represent — just as they are unconcerned about the violence, censorship, and harassment women and girls face for speaking up on these issues. 

The latest attack on feminist groups by the SPLC is just another reason why women are fleeing mainstream “progressive” organizations in droves. The institutions we have long trusted to protect our civil rights and fight against intolerance have become the very thing they claim to resist. Women find themselves politically homeless with no one willing to stand for their rights. This is never more abundantly driven home to women than when mega-organizations like the SPLC or ACLU try to smear feminists as hate groups. Thankfully, more and more people are seeing through these tactics. 

Support a Group That Fights For Women!

Women’s Liberation Front has been on the frontlines of this fight for ten years, pushing back at every turn to help preserve women’s rights. 

Get involved: Become a Sister In Action! 

WoLF Sisters in Action are a group of adult human females whom WoLF has brought together in support of the rights of women and girls. We are a lively community of like-minded women, as well as a mobilized force for change. 

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Our ability to undertake this urgent feminist work relies on the generosity of our members and supporters—To all of you, we are deeply grateful! This holiday season, consider joining our Holiday Giving Challenge! We’re looking to raise $100,000 to support WoLF’s important legal, policy, and public advocacy work. Every dollar helps get us closer to our goal. 


WoLF Signs Joint Petition to NCAA


2023 Year In Review