Hannah Sullivan Hannah Sullivan

Imprisoned: Women Behind Bars

In this blog series, Imprisoned: Women Behind Bars, we'll explore the challenges confronting incarcerated women in the United States — read more by Julia Hing on WoLF Tracks, a members and volunteer blog by the Women’s Liberation Front.

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Executive Director Executive Director

Book Review: The Case Against the Sexual Revolution

Louise Perry begins her new book, The Case Against the Sexual Revolution, with a juxtaposition of the iconic lives of Marilyn Monroe and Hugh Hefner. Perry argues that their lives are an apt analogy for the Sexual Revolution and the many ways it has harmed women.

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Executive Director Executive Director

Sex Trafficked by Cultural Norms

Over the course of this series, I will introduce and humanize the women prostituted here, share my cultural analysis and these women’s insights and experiences -- they wanted readers to hear them -- to spread awareness of the lived consequences of commercial sexual exploitation in one of the most privileged countries in the world.

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Imprisoned: Women Behind Bars

In this blog series, Imprisoned: Women Behind Bars, we'll explore the challenges confronting incarcerated women in the United States — read more by Julia Hing on WoLF Tracks, a members and volunteer blog by the Women’s Liberation Front.

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Gender Ideology Executive Director Gender Ideology Executive Director

Material Girls and Trans Book Reviews

As it turns out, despite the above similarities, the two books have very different spins on the topic of gender ideology. In this article, I’ll give you a rundown of each book and help you decide if one or the other, or maybe both should be on your reading list.

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Executive Director Executive Director

Battle of Crackpot Ideas: Flat Earth vs. “Gender Identity”

“I mean how could I claim with a straight face that believing in a pancake earth or in shape sifting lizards is any more ludicrous than insisting that men can get pregnant or that one individual could be male in the AM, female in the PM, and neuter at night.“

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Executive Director Executive Director

“One Day You’ll Understand Why Men Like to Do This”

“The medical experiment he ran on me traumatized me to such a degree that a part of my brain will forever be stuck at 16, similar to how puberty blockers prevent teenagers from fully progressing through a successful maturation process. One of the scariest realizations to look back at is that the world considers an eighteen-year-old fully able to consent to having sex with adults of any age. However, if the brain is paused from continued development at a younger age, it doesn’t matter how your body continues to develop and how time continues to pass—you’re still mentally a child.”

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Executive Director Executive Director

Invasion of the New Body Snatchers

“The cult-like devotion, the secrecy, the mind control, the magical "transition" into a new person that requires the complete destruction of the original person…”

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