Invasion of the New Body Snatchers

The other night I watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers, the terrifying 1956 horror movie in which giant seed pods from outer space proceed to take over the bodies and minds of every resident in a small California town.

The sinister goal of the pod people is to turn everyone on earth into an obedient and emotionless drone. The hapless victims are told their transition will make them "happier" and create a "superior" world. One man, Dr. Miles Bennell, decides to investigate the strange happenings inside his town. After Dr. Bennell uncovers the shocking truth, he mounts a heroic battle to save himself and the rest of humanity.

The parallels between the alien seed pods and today's "transgender" activists are striking. The cult-like devotion, the secrecy, the mind control, the magical "transition" into a new person that requires the complete destruction of the original person, the elimination of all sexual pleasure, the takeover of family and other institutions, the complicity of government officials, the conspiracy, the propaganda, the outright lies, and the rapid but subterranean transformation of normal human society into something unrecognizable and deranged.

Fortunately the movie ends on a hopeful note, as state and national officials are called to action and begin to battle the alien foe. In the same vein, today's brave women in organizations, like WoLF, work vigorously to save women and children from the aggressive "transgender" cult that has spread like wildfire throughout schools, colleges, healthcare institutions, prisons, government, and corporations.

So, let the outrage build. Let women and men and parents and concerned citizens across the country send a strong message that we will no longer tolerate the underhanded machinations of the "transgender" activists who, as Jennifer Bilek's 11th Hour Blog warns us, are funded by a dark network of autogynephile billionaires.

With your help and support, WoLF can stop the invasion and restore reason and rationality to the lives of women and girls, men and boys. But we must act now. Before it's too late.

By Nancy Robertson

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