A Woman’s Most Fundamental Right

What is a woman's most fundamental right?

The right to own property? To vote? To serve in the military? To receive equal pay for equal work?

We know these hard won rights are important. But I believe a woman's most fundamental right is something else. A woman's most fundamental right is the right to be recognized and respected throughout her life as a biological woman or girl. Because without this most fundamental right, all the other rights are almost meaningless.

We must always reject preposterous claims about basic human biology. The truth is simple. There are two sexes and only two sexes, male and female. These two sexes are determined at the moment of conception. And they are immutable. Human beings cannot change our sex any more than we can change our species. We cannot wish our sex away. We cannot poison, cut, or paint it away. A woman does not become a man by growing a beard. A man does not become a woman by wearing a dress.

Whenever we allow a man to self-identify as a "woman," we violate the conventions that have allowed biological women to exist and flourish ever since human civilization began. When we outlaw the requirement that only biological females are allowed to call themselves women, we destroy the conceptual category of women. And when we destroy the conceptual category of women, we are well on our way to destroying actual women.

When we abolish women's private spaces in restrooms, locker rooms, hospitals, and prisons, we threaten the health, safety, and happiness of millions of women and girls. When we mix the data of biological men in with the data of biological women in medical research and crime statistics, we are left with dangerous, garbled nonsense. When we convince little boys who play with glitter and little girls who play with trucks that they're the opposite sex, we set these children up for a lifetime of broken health and broken dreams. And for what purpose? What could possibly be worth this massive, senseless sacrifice? Have we all gone stark raving mad?

I find it hard to believe I'm writing this essay in the seventh decade of my life. I feel like a modern day Rip van Winkle, awakened from a deep sleep and alarmed by the widespread nonsense that infects our institutions. How did we forget the basic knowledge we all once knew? How do we regain our senses?

One day, women's private spaces will return. One day, school children will grow up free from the indoctrination that plagues them today. One day hundreds of thousands of detransitioners will find peace in their lives. Yes, our society has lost its way. But one day, we will regain our footing. We will turn things around. And then we will regard this disturbing time of irrational zealotry as no more than a brief blip, a historical curiosity, a hiccup.

But to find our way back, we must first acknowledge the gravity of the situation. Then we must commit ourselves to doing whatever we can, each in our own way. Some will step forward and speak out publicly. Some will speak privately to colleagues, friends and family members. And some will do their vital work alone. But whatever our circumstances, we can all inform ourselves by reading books and watching videos. We can all sign petitions, send letters, and cast votes for the candidates fully committed to our cause. And we can all support the individuals and organizations like WoLF that work so hard to protect and restore the most fundamental right of biological women everywhere.

By Nancy Robertson

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