Irreversible Damage Book Review
Written by Lindsey, a WoLF Volunteer
Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage hits on one of WoLF’s four strategic focus areas: abolishing gender ideology. It does so in a way that is well researched and thoughtful, and introduces the reader to many ideas and voices in this debate.
Although there have been a few gender critical books written before the current decade (Janice Raymond’s prophetic book Transexual Empire was published in 1979!), Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage, written in 2020, was a tipping point for the general public to have access to a groundbreaking book. Irreversible Damage hit a nerve with trans activists, those who are gender critical, and especially with parents. It’s easy to see why. For one thing, the book’s topic – the health and wellbeing of daughters – feels deeply personal. But also, the book is well researched and meticulously foot-noted (39 pages worth).
It is difficult to argue with Shrier’s evidence; as a result, many of her opponents attacked Shrier’s character and the conservative publishing house, and tried to restrict access to the book. Target refused to carry the book briefly, and while Amazon did not ban the book, it did suspend the paid-for advertising campaign. However, in the end, Irreversible Damage ended up on multiple best-seller lists in 2021 and has 86% 5-star ratings on Amazon!
In addition to being well researched, the book’s journalistic style makes it highly readable. The writing style makes it a quick, easy read, but the footnotes give plenty of substance to the book. The book starts with an account of how Abigail reluctantly came to write the book in the first place. She then introduces the reader to the term “Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria” (ROGD) and the research of Lisa Littman. Shrier does a good job of walking the reader through Littman’s research. She also takes the reader through the subsequent controversy about ROGD and the fact that, in the end, an exhaustive post-publication review found that the results of the study were valid and the results were left unchanged.
Shrier interviewed many people and researched many different aspects of who is involved in this strange new trend amongst teenage girls. She looked at social media and “YouTube Influencers,” and she discussed the schools that have policies and even curricula that send children further down the rabbit hole of gender confusion. The section on schools gives specific examples of books and curricula adopted by some schools. Shrier talks about the parents and the role that they might play, as well as the stress and difficulty they face in trying to get care for their children. Then she explains the type of “gender-affirming care” that many families find themselves caught in. Later in the book, Shrier explains the medical process of “transition,” ranging from puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to “top surgery” and “bottom surgery.” She details some of the harm that girls and women have experienced. Shrier referenced interviews with several “detransitioners” in this part of the book; they discussed their perspectives and experiences.
Because Shrier interviewed and researched so many people in the course of writing this book, it is also a fantastic “Who’s Who” in the world of gender ideology. She provides information about the people who are encouraging this trend, and the people who are trying to offer a different way of looking at and dealing with the distress that young people are experiencing.
The only question that I felt was not fully answered was, how did we get to the point where so many experts and adults are willing to say that the answer to normal adolescent distress is medicalization and transition? However, perhaps that is a topic for another book.
Learn more about WoLF’s recommended books here! You can find links to purchase Irreversible Damage, along with all of WoLF’s other recommended books.
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