WoLF at WDI USA Mother's Day Event
Inset image credit: Kara Dansky on Substack
On May 14, 2023, Women’s Declaration International (WDI) USA held a demonstration in honor of Mother’s Day in front of the United Nations Headquarters in New York City. Two of WoLF’s board members, Lierre Keith and Elizabeth Fedak, were in attendance. Fittingly, they spoke to the importance of fighting gender ideology for the benefit of all mothers as well as all women and girls.
Below are transcripts of their excellent speeches. You can also view the full live stream of the event on WDI’s YouTube channel here. WoLF sends immense love and respect to mothers everywhere!
Lierre Keith
My name is Lierre Keith, and I'm the founder of WoLF, which is the Women's Liberation Front.
Z Budapest said there are two kinds of people: mothers and their children. Mothers and their children, that's it. Every human being who has ever lived came from the body of a woman. Literally from her body. Her body sheltered yours, fed it, built it. Her breath, her blood, her bones built you. When there wasn't enough, she gave you hers. In some cultures, it's assumed that for every baby born, the mother will lose a tooth. When my mother was pregnant with me, her hair went gray and she needed glasses for the first time.
The sacrifice is immense and ancient. The woman, born from the woman, born from the woman. Back two million years for the genus homo, back 80 million years for the class of mammals, back 650 million years to animals as a kingdom, and older still. Sexual reproduction, with all the sacrifice it requires from females, is older than redwood trees. It's older than forests, it's older than the Blue Ridge Mountains, it's older than the rings of Saturn. Sexual reproduction is 2 billion years old; that's how long the ancient mothers have been giving all they had, all they could, so their children could be alive today.
“Every single person alive knows what a woman is, because we all came out of one.”
So, yes, the debt can never be repaid. We owe our mothers reverence, our love, and our protection. Instead, here's what mothers get: battering, for instance. In the United States, a man beats up a woman every nine seconds and one-third of battering starts when a woman is pregnant. One third. And male violence. A man's willful fist or foot is the number one cause of birth defects. Around the globe, it's women and their children who make up the bulk of the poor, the hungry, the war-torn, and dead. The numbers are a trauma all their own, I know. But it's this institution, the United Nations, that has been providing those numbers for decades, and suddenly they don't know what a woman is. Well, they know what a woman is. Every single person alive knows what a woman is, because we all came out of one. Only women can do that.
Mary Daly said in 1979 that the essential message of patriarchy is necrophilia. I have no other word for a movement that rejects the animal integrity of the female body and that hates it so much. I have no other word for a movement that is just destroying the generative organs of children. What other word is there besides necrophilia? The genderous intent, gleefully, to do away with biology entirely.
Billionaire Martine Rothblatt, one of the transvestic fetishists that is funding this movement, says point blank that he wants to replace all life with nanobots while humans upload themselves into computers. Understand what you are witnessing. Narcissistic rage, driving these aggrieved men to their predictable endpoint: necrophilia. Enraged that he can never be a woman, which he must know beneath his dense layers of denial, he would destroy all life in revenge. A family annihilator with the whole planet in his sights.
These men are telling us who they are. Believe them. He says sex isn't real, that women are a pornographic joke, that mothers are a collection of birthing body parts, that he'd rather exist in a machine than remember that he was born of a woman. Believe him.
When bison are under attack, they pack into a tight circle. Protected at the center are the mothers and babies. Next are the older calves, weaned and vulnerable. A defensive ring of cows without young comes next, and finally, facing out, stand the bulls.
We are under attack. He has leveled mountains. Believe him. The last scraps of forest are on fire. The ancient ice is melting. The animals, 650 million years of them, are almost gone. Believe him. If we all make that tight circle, mothers and babies of every species at the center, protected until the last, and plant our feet firmly on our still-living Earth, we can face him down. He has the rancid thrills of sadism and the sterile dreams of machines. We have love, and the miracle of our animal bodies, and the stalwart light of every dawn. Don't let him win.
Image credit: Kara Dansky on Substack
Dr. Elizabeth Fedak
Hello, I'm Dr Elizabeth Fedak, Board Secretary of Women's Liberation Front,same as Lierre, and also a mathematician who studied pediatric oncology.
Two years ago, Women's Liberation Front, along with 43 other organizations, responded to a call for input on gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity by an independent expert. We told the United Nations Human Rights Council this report is in violation of United Nations foundational documents. We told the United Nations about the careers that were destroyed when scientists dared to test the claims gender ideologists expected us to accept on faith. We told them about the incarcerated women who were locked up with violent offenders in violation of the Geneva Conventions. We warned that so-called “gender-affirming” surgeries were conversion therapy and sterilization of youth who would have otherwise grown up to be same-sex attracted adults. We warned that the forced teaming of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals with people who claim to have a gender identity meant that when the needs of those groups diverged, then those exclusively attracted to the same sex were asked to “be nice” and stop advocating for their own rights. We warned that there was no evidence that everybody has a gender identity, that indeed we do not have gender identities and a single person without a gender identity is enough to prove the claim false. We warned that this was a regressive belief system designed to roll back protections for women, girls, gay men, and lesbians.
Two years later, the independent expert has heard similar concerns from other women's advocacy groups, lesbians, and gay men, and what have they done in response? Nothing.
“This violence is unacceptable, and as long as we are not allowed to question gender ideology it will not be addressed or resolved.”
Gender ideology is a fundamentally manipulative ideology. You can tell, because manipulative ideologies all use the same basic strategies: they encourage people not to think for themselves, they appeal to emotion, they resist questioning, they threaten and lie and coerce, but most importantly, they silence. They fight the flow of any information that conflicts with their belief system. Manipulative ideologies work by silencing their detractors. They do not hold up to scrutiny. The only reasoning available to them is faulty reasoning, because the ideas they are defending are not true. Anyone who disagrees is painted as evil, and that label of evil lets their followers justify violence against anyone who challenges them.
If the United Nations truly cares about ending violence against women, anyone with a same-sex partner, and anyone who does not conform to sex stereotypes, we ask it to focus on objective truth and effective problem solving. Take in all available information. Listen to the women who are raped and impregnated in prisons by men pretending to be women. Listen to the girls who held it in all day after their school made the bathrooms mixed sex and boys kicked down the stall doors. Listen to the lesbians who are coerced into corrective rape by men.
This violence is unacceptable, and as long as we are not allowed to question gender ideology it will not be addressed or resolved. We do not have the power the UN does, but we are backed by the truth. Smoke and mirrors will only last so long. We will keep filling in the gaps and the truth will come out, whether it is today or tomorrow or a year from now or five years from now, it will come out. United Nations, how many more people have to be hurt before you listen?
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This February, the DIGNITY Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence published my article titled “A Reconstruction of Gender: Implications of Social Construct and Gender Structure Theories”