Op-Ed: “Remember the Ladies”
Written by Karen B.
The following is an excerpt of an op-ed submitted by WoLF Sister in Action Karen B., published March 4th in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.
“I desire you would remember the ladies . . . Do not put such unlimited power into the hands of the husbands. Remember, all men would be tyrants if they could. If particular care and attention is not paid to the ladies, we are determined to foment a rebellion and will not hold ourselves bound by any laws in which we have no voice or representation.” - (Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1776)
By this I mean that in promoting the concept of “gender identity” (a nonscientific/non-evidence-based belief, like a religion) and putting it into law and policy, thus abolishing the concept of biological sex, the Democrats are decimating the sex-based rights of women and girls. They are ignoring the fact that females fought for decades to establish sex-segregated spaces that would allow us to participate in public life and be safe from male violence in spaces where we are vulnerable. These laws and policies are eliminating females’ boundaries and erasing us as a sex class.
Biological sex is binary and immutable. Whether someone is female or male is a matter of reality, not belief, and cannot be changed, despite academia’s post-modern queer theory acrobatics and manipulation of language that helped create this harmful ideology.
Males can “feel” like females, perform femininity, get hormones and surgeries, but none of this makes them women. Therefore, when they are allowed entrance into our spaces, like prisons, rape crisis and domestic violence shelters, changing rooms and bathrooms, they are still males and can pose the same threat to us as they always have. (See reduxx.info for example). For the safety of girls and women, and to reinstate our sex-based rights, we must end the lie of self I.D. and “gender identity” in law and policy.
I am a lesbian, and appreciate that many support the LGB community. Our sexual orientation is based on the recognition of biological sex. We do not take away anyone’s rights by being lesbian or gay. On the other hand, “trans” identity is based on sex stereotypes and appropriation of the opposite sex’s characteristics.
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This February, the DIGNITY Journal of Analysis of Exploitation and Violence published my article titled “A Reconstruction of Gender: Implications of Social Construct and Gender Structure Theories”