Trans Starbucks and the Butch Genocide

From an Anonymous Sister:

When you see female youth transitioning, it’s overwhelmingly the tomboys. These girls would have grown up to be butch like me. I grabbed a coffee at the Trans Starbucks again this week. Sat for a while to watch 3 butches pretend they are men.

Every butch lesbian who is critical about this horrific trans. movement—that would push young lesbians into believing they are male and amputating their healthy breasts and taking cross-hormones—every butch knows what they are seeing.  It’s like looking into a mirror and recalling all of the angst, hatred, parental and peer rejection all over again. Except with these young butches, it’s about harming their bodies and destroying their chances of experiencing sexual pleasure once the full mutilations are completed.

I see it at the Trans Starbucks. Saw those poor butch lesbians all up on T again and their voices changed and off. It’s a horrific experience to sit in a room full of my sisters and know this. It’s like being one of the last butch survivors in the genocide. I can’t think of any other way to state the horror I feel at progressives actually thinking that the surgical violation of these young lesbians is somehow a  brave and courageous thing.

They are telling these girls that they are not okay being who they are and wearing what they want to wear.  These are girls like I once was. They sometimes have short hair, and that way of carrying themselves that is strong and independent. They don’t care about boys and they play with trucks and things other girls don’t really like. They dress as they want. They like collecting rocks and they don’t giggle around the boys like the other girls.  Maybe they climb trees. And that’s all not okay. They are being shamed. They are being told they are male.

They call it ‘gender non-conforming.’ That’s a fancy word for butch lesbian. What is happening is that tomboys are pushed to transition and the trans net captures all the future butches. This is not mere speculation. Physicians who work in gender clinics are saying that homosexuality is the first ‘step’ to transing. This is gruesome.

People who come onto my fb page sometimes try to explain this away and say to stop focusing on the tomboys and lesbian youth because other girls trans, too.  

No. Let’s focus on the lesbians. This movement is about lesbian erasure, gay eugenics, the genocide of lesbians. We already know that over 80% [1] of the youth who are transed would have desisted in their ‘gender dysphoria’ and eventually turned out to be adult lesbians and gays.

And now they are telling the tomboys that they are not girls. There is no such thing as a girl who doesn’t like pink, they say. And I can’t help seeing my own young, scared butch face long ago in the mirror, with all the ensuing harassment and rejection and judgment and hatred. Yet here the fuck I am, sitting in the Trans Starbucks, watching all my young butch sisters falling over themseslves to conform to some insane trans agenda. Falling all over themselves to become ersatz men.

Our lesbian spaces are already dead. Our bookstores, our dances. Everything we built is dead and taken over by the trans nightmare. I was there when we had it all. Don’t think I don’t have at least a modicum of hope that this madness will end. Because I do. But that’s not today.

Meanwhile at the Trans Starbucks, all the young butches who think they are men are serving up lattes and lemon loaf.  And butches like me— we sit and drink that stuff in the bright sunshine.

[1] – Editorial note that while desistance rates higher than 80% have been reported, and all studies carried out before the advent of an affirmation-only model of treatment was adopted showed majority desistance, the numbers vary between studies, as discussed here by Dr. James Cantor, going as low as a 63% rate of desistance.

Though even with more precise examination, it’s clear that the majority of youth that formerly presented with gender dysphoria desisted, and the majority of them grew up to be gay, lesbian, or bisexual. And though gender activists have rejected those previous studies as having too broad a set of criteria for dysphoria, this claim, if true, should make the far higher rates of reporting and persistence seen today even more suspect.


Julia Beck Testifies on Gender Identity in H.R. 5, the Equality Act, at the House Judiciary Hearing


Women’s Liberation Front Statement on Introduction of the Equality Act