WoLF Files New SCOTUS Brief Arguing Mandatory “Gender Ideology” in Schools Constitutes Establishment of State Religion
Mahmoud, et al. v. Taylor, et al: WoLF brings feminist arguments to the Supreme Court
Year in Review: 2024
This year has been electrifying for our radical feminist efforts in the courts of law and public opinion! Thanks to your unwavering support, WoLF has fiercely advocated for women’s rights and achieved monumental strides in the relay run towards the total liberation of women and girls in 2024.
Skrmetti At The Supreme Court: WoLF Legal Arguments Challenge “Gender Affirmation”
As oral arguments in Skrmetti took place, protests erupted outside the Supreme Court from groups on both sides. The massive public attention this case has garnered from all sides shows how important it is to ensure feminist arguments are present in these debates: WoLF submitted an amicus brief this past October.
FSC v. Paxton: WoLF Submits Amicus Brief to SCOTUS in Support of Anti-Porn Law
WoLF has helped pass similar age-verification laws around the country, cutting porn purveyors and predators off at the knees
WoLF Files to SCOTUS in US v. Skrmetti to Protect Children from “Gender” Medicine
WoLF filed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Skrmetti, defending laws that ban the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries on minors for so-called “gender affirmation.”
Amplifying the Legal Fight for Sex-Based Rights
This past year, WoLF has significantly expanded our bench of legal expertise in service to our charitable mission. Learn about the critical US court cases deciding the fate of sex-based rights!
SCOTUS seems unlikely to limit mifepristone access — but threats to women’s reproductive rights remain across the country
Now is not the time to relent - we must increase demands for action on reproductive freedom
SCOTUS Denies Hearing Tingley v. Ferguson
WoLF is disappointed to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of Tingley v. Ferguson. The case centered around Washington state's SB 5722, a law that infringes on the rights of therapists and patients by mandating 'affirmation-only' therapy for minors with gender dysphoria.
WoLF Submits Joint Amicus Brief in Indiana Bathroom Case to SCOTUS
Joined by three other women’s groups, WoLF is urging the Supreme Court to hear the case Metropolitan School District Of Martinsville V. A.C.
WoLF Submits Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Tingley v. Ferguson “Conversion Therapy” Case
Washington State’s SB 5722 would require licensed therapists to use “affirmation-only” therapy and effectively ban mental health care for detransitioners
WoLF Files Amicus Brief with Supreme Court to Save Women’s Sports
B.P.J. v. West Virginia State Board of Education is the first “Save Women’s Sports” bill to receive scrutiny from the highest court.
I Protested for Abortion Rights at the Supreme Court but Left Angrier than When I Arrived
Last week I was in Washington, DC to rally for women’s sports on the anniversary of Title IX. When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade on the following day, I was presented with another opportunity to stand up for women’s rights: protesting at the Supreme Court just hours after this devastating ruling.
WoLF’s Commitment to Women’s Reproductive Freedom
WoLF unapologetically supports reproductive freedom for women. Reproductive freedom includes, but is not limited to, women’s rights to abortion and birth control for any reason, and freedom from coerced sterilization, abortion, and birth control.
The Future of Reproductive Rights
When Justice Blackmun originally wrote the opinion on Roe v. Wade in 1973, it set a federal precedent that the right to abortion was included in a woman’s constitutionally protected right to privacy.
What Is “Being Transgender” After Bostock?
The Supreme Court’s majority decision in the Bostock case was great news for LGB people, but a disaster for women.
Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Boyertown Students’ Privacy Concerns over Gender Identity
We are deeply disappointed that the Supreme Court has failed to take up the case of Doe v. Boyertown, where we had filed a brief. The decision not to hear the case was announced yesterday. It means that a lower court’s decision — to let the Boyertown school district end students’ rights to privacy in single-sex locker and restroom facilities on the basis of gender identity — will stand.
Wolf Presses U.S. Supreme Court to Preserve Civil Rights of Women and Girls
Today, the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the case of Doe v. Boyertown Area School District.
WoLF Continues Its Fight for Girls’ Privacy and Safety in Boyertown
WoLF is continuing to fight vigorously against the ongoing attack on women and girls in their intimate spaces, including bathrooms and communal showers.