Tell Congress: Pass HR28 to Protect Women’s Sports
URGENT! The House is set to vote on HR 28 at noon EST tomorrow (January 14)!
Inside The Legal Fight to Save Title IX
WoLF has relentlessly filed Amicus Briefs, FOIA requests, petitions, and testimony at every opportunity to advocate for women’s sex-based rights
WoLF Files New Amicus Brief In Support of Case to Save Title IX!
The case of Louisiana v. U.S. Department of Education stands to redefine Title IX in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
Amplifying the Legal Fight for Sex-Based Rights
This past year, WoLF has significantly expanded our bench of legal expertise in service to our charitable mission. Learn about the critical US court cases deciding the fate of sex-based rights!
WoLF Endorses Federal Legislation to Save Women’s Sports
WoLF has endorsed the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act to prohibit men from competing in women's sports
Take Action! Protect Title IX & Women’s Sports!
The Title IX proposed regulation ignores reasons for single-sex sports and forces schools to adopt “gender identity” policies
Tell the American Academy of Pediatrics to drop the “Affirmative Care Model”
Despite its stated dedication to “the health of all children,” the AAP is leading the sterilization of a generation.
Tell the NCAA: Stop Discriminating Against Female Athletes
In partnership with many other agencies, we are demanding that the NCAA stop discriminating against women and establish rules to keep women’s sports female.
Heart Attacks, Detransitioners, and Conversion Therapy: WoLF Educates the NIH about “Gender-Affirming Care”
WoLF educated the NIH about research opportunities and needs related to “gender-affirming care,” including the physical and psychological impacts on female patients.
New Legal Ethics Rule Threatens Attorney Free Speech
WoLF examines how a proposed change to Rule 8.4(g) of the Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers will create a massive and novel intrusion into the beliefs and speech of lawyers regarding “gender identity” while they are in the courtroom -- and even when they are not actively involved in a case. This means that lawyers might be required by judges to use "preferred pronouns," or that "misgendering" will be viewed in the same light as racial slurs.
WoLF Commends Biden’s Selective Service System for Acknowledging Sex
The Women's Liberation Front commends the correct application of “sex” while strongly opposing the involuntary conscription of female civilians on the basis of so-called equity. WoLF further urges the Biden administration to apply the same logic it used in its recent announcement about conscription – a logic that acknowledges biological reality – in all other facets of governance.
WoLF Responds to Request for Input from NSTC Subcommittee on Equitable Data
WoLF saw this invitation to submit a response as an opportunity to educate government administrators and leaders about several profoundly important issues related to women’s rights and the treatment of lesbians. WoLF is gravely concerned about how lesbians have been harmed by gender ideology.
TAKE ACTION! Tell The Dept of HHS To Stop Government Funding of Gender Ideology
HHS has released proposed rulemaking titled Nondiscrimination in Health Programs and Activities. These proposed regulations threaten women’s sex-based rights and they threaten healthcare providers who do not want to provide harmful, unnecessary cosmetic medical interventions under the guise of “gender-affirming care.”
New Title IX Rules Harm Women and Girls - Joint Statement from WoLF and FPA
WoLF collaboratively released a statement with Family Policy Alliance (FPA), regarding our shared concerns about the US Department of Education’s proposed Title IX regulations.
WoLF Submits Public Comments to US Department of Education’s Proposed Title IX Regulations
The proposed "gender identity" rules are contrary to Title IX and will profoundly harm the interests of women and girls.
Please help WoLF stop the Biden administration’s proposal to gut Title IX sex-based protections.
WoLF Voices Opposition to Biden’s “LGBTQI+” Executive Order
On June 15, Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) and Family Policy Alliance (FPA) released a joint statement in opposition to President Biden’s “Advancing Equality for LGBTQI+ Individuals” Executive Order.
Take Action: Tell Leaders to Endorse the Women’s Bill of Rights
You can take action to promote the historic Women’s Bill of Rights by sending an email to your lawmakers, local, state-wide and national.
Historic Women's Bill of Rights Introduced to Congress
WoLF’s model legislation, the Women’s Bill of Rights, inspired congressional resolution introduced on Thursday, May 19, 2022.
WoLF Applauds the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2021
WoLF released a statement this week in support of Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act of 2021.