Meta to Ban Misgendering as “Hate Speech” - Submit Your Comment by Sept 12!

The Meta Oversight Board has proposed a review of Facebook’s policies on “misgendering” and “hate speech,” apparently poised to ban “misgendering” across Meta’s platforms. 

The case centers around two videos on men in women’s spaces. According to Independent Women’s Forum, which appears to have been targeted by the proposed ban, the first video was a woman expressing discomfort with a trans-identifying male in a women's bathroom. The other features a male winning a women's athletic competition. 

If the Oversight Board decides to ban these videos, this will mean that correctly stating the sex of trans-identifying males and disapproving of males in women's spaces qualify as “Bullying and Harassment.”

The Meta Oversight Board is responsible for making moderation policy recommendations to Meta, which includes Facebook and Instagram. The board is seeking public comment on the proposed ban. 

Take Action!

Take Action! Tell Meta that correctly identifying someone’s sex is not “Hate Speech”

They have specifically requested feedback on:

  1. The impacts of Meta’s Hate Speech and Bullying and Harassment policies on freedom of expression around gender identity issues, and the rights of transgender people, including minors.

  2. Technical challenges in enforcing bullying and harassment policies at scale, the effectiveness of self-reporting requirements and their impacts on people targeted by bullying or harassment, and comparisons to alternative enforcement approaches.

  3. The sociopolitical context in the United States concerning freedom of expression and the rights of transgender people, especially for access to single-sex spaces and participation in sporting events.

Comments are due to Meta by Sept. 12th! 

Read WoLF’s official submission to the Meta Oversight Board


WoLF Comment to Meta Oversight Board on Proposed Ban on ‘Misgendering’


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