Women's Liberation Front

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We live in a war zone

Men started harassing me when I was a child. My father started taking me to rated R movies with sexual violence when I was 10 or 11. 

In college, a stranger in a ski mask held a gun to my head, threatened to kill me, and sexually assaulted me. Police and university administrators accused me of lying.

I was flashed by two different strangers, had a peeping tom, and got a creepy unknown person emailing me; he had dug up my name and other information on me. He called himself “Patrick Bateman.” This was all in the 90’s.

I have PTSD. I still have nightmares of being literally hunted by males. Many people think my experiences are not real or are funny.

Some men laugh at SA, at women’s fear and rage.

Women are figuratively dying of a million misogynistic papercuts. Some of us are murdered, left to rot in fields or in dumpsters. 

And we are gaslit and told we are just as violent as men.

We, many of us, nonchalantly carry weapons every day to protect ourselves from violent men. I say nonchalantly because it is so normal for us that we often don’t notice the horror of that need, or we don’t let ourselves notice. Because it is soul-crushing.

Sit down and make a list of all the things many women do to stay safe from being raped by a man.

List the things many men do to stay safe from being sexually assaulted (not slapped, not cussed out. I said sexually assaulted) by a female.

What is fomenting in the alt-right is horrifying beyond words (ex Andrew Anglin).

Things often look fine on the surface, but look deeper and what you see is nightmare fuel of hatred and violence toward women.

Leftists, in their hyperfocus on trans rights, have abandoned women.

I could go on…

- Anonymous

Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them. We’ll share new letters, submitted anonymously, each week. Write in to share your own story!

WoLF does not necessarily endorse the content of Letters.


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