From A Silenced Sister
Originally published on May 25, 2021
When my sisters and I attempt to address the sexist abuse we faced at the hands of our brother, we're told that we're 'transphobic. '
Gender identity ideology prevents me from speaking about the abuse and alienation my sisters and I faced at the hands of our brother, who now identifies as a transgender woman.
“Gender ideology mandates that women like my sisters and I stay silent about sexist abuse and male violence at the hands of trans-identified males. We are expected to ignore the way they treat women because they identify as women.”
We were subject to his daily fits of anger for over a decade, where he would corner us and scream sexist slurs in our faces if we so much as looked at him the wrong way. "Bitch, cunt, whore, slut, cow, hag," were words we heard every day. He was never punished for this, whereas my sisters and I were punished if we fought back. Our parents wrote off this mistreatment as anger issues, allowing him to continue to verbally abuse us.
His abuse escalated into two incidents. The first was when my brother was caught filming girls in the girls' restroom at school, which he was not punished for. The second was when he was caught filming me getting out of the shower with the intent to upload it to a pornography website.
My sisters and I believe our brother treated us in a sexist manner and got away with it because he is male. We also believe the incidents where he violated mine and other girls' privacy is textbook male violence.
When my sisters and I attempt to address the sexist abuse we faced at the hands of our brother, we're told that we're transphobic. Because gender ideology states trans women were never men, his behavior is no longer considered male violence. His filming of girls in women-only spaces and private settings is excused as curiosity and "gender envy" rather than sexual abuse.
Gender ideology mandates that women like my sisters and I stay silent about sexist abuse and male violence at the hands of trans-identified males. We are expected to ignore the way they treat women because they identify as women.
Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them.
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