Writers of the Letters for the Front have provided permission to share their submissions, and while WoLF does not necessarily endorse all of the content in Letters from the Front, we value our supporters' freedom of speech and only request revisions or edits concerning readability. Read our User Generated Content policy for more information on community content.
Our Girls Are Transitioning Into What They Fear...
“Girls want to transition to boys because they are not comfortable with being seen as sex objects…“
My Transition
“My son had made a tragic choice but not organically. It was engineered by a cult-like ideology accessed and binged on by the internet.“
From A Heartbroken Aunt
“She is a heterosexual girl with no breasts who identifies as a gay man. It breaks me in two knowing that she mutilated herself.“
From A ‘Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria’ Mom
“My husband and I had always considered ourselves liberals, but we watched in horror as we began to lose our beautiful daughter to an ideology that we were not even allowed to question.“
“The Medical Industry Is Not Infallible”
“Now they are turning children into medical patients for life. I am grateful that I escaped the nightmare children are experiencing today just because they don't fit the gender role stereotype of their sex.”
I Am Part Of an Underground Network of Therapists Treating Detransitioners
“It’s the most devastating epidemic I’ve witnessed in my lifetime.”
“The Detrans subreddit changed my world”
“Girls as young as 13 or 14 who had gotten top surgery (double mastectomy) would later experience regret and detransition.“
From a Despondent Aunt
“My niece is one of many girls and young women who destroy their lives and mutilate their bodies under the cover and via the mythology of ‘Gender Affirmation.’“
From Women Who Thought They Were in the Wrong Body
“I did not think I was a girl, even though I was in a girls body. I mean, there was no way I could be...after all I didn't want to play with dolls.”
From Two Teachers
“I want everyone to be happy and be well, but I do not want to be part of a system that hurts the bodies of children.”
From Two Grandmothers
“As a lesbian and woman I am furious that public schools are teaching trans ideology.”
From A Desister (part II)
“I was watching a documentary about cults, and I got the weird feeling that the way they described the cult sounded like the camp”
From A Group Of Parents
“My son's therapist told me if I didn't affirm him, he'd be a serious suicide risk. I was terrified. I love my son. So I affirmed his delusion that he's actually a girl.”
From An Estranged Mother
“I prepare myself for never having her back in my life, hoping... one day... I'll be able to hold her and tell her I still love her. I always have. I always will.”
From A Desister
“I couldn't believe that I had been so clueless all this time. Once I met other GC people, the whole world felt like a fraud.”
From a ROGD Mom
“There were no signs we could look back on. It was literally overnight, as if an infection had swept them all away.”