“Gender Is Not The Point… Sex Is.”
Letter submitted by Cara B.
Last night, a friend and I were discussing Biden’s new "self-ID" policy, which would allow trans-identified male felons to enter women's prisons.
My friend was upset by my opposition to this policy. He said he didn’t agree with me that "all trans people are bad people." This comment shocked me. After all the conversations we've had about the physical vulnerability of women vis-a-vis men in prisons and sports, he still assumed that I was motivated not by concern for women, but by an unreasonable animus against “all trans people." How could this be? As long as kind and intelligent people like my friend operate under such a serious misconception, the bodily autonomy and security of women will continue to be undermined and ultimately eradicated.
Fifty years ago, we understood the importance of protecting women’s sex-based rights and spaces. Title IX was created for just this purpose.
Now, we’re contemplating changing the definition of “woman” in Title IX to include trans-identified biological males. This is a problem, but not because “all trans people are bad people.” It’s a problem because trans-identified males are MEN, and some men, trans or not, are abusive, violent, and deadly to women — particularly convicted rapists and murderers. Not that it makes much difference, but according to “self-ID,” a history of trans identity is now irrelevant. “Self-ID” enables anyone to declare a trans identity out of the blue. Obviously, this is an invitation to grifting.
Be they trans-identified teenage boys usurping trophies and scholarships from girls or adult male felons identifying as trans, they're a threat to women. Why must it be necessary to repeat this fundamental truth continuously? The falsehoods of trans ideology are the problem.
I believe we have two choices going forward:
(a) Eliminate human biological females as a protected class under Title IX, and replace them with “all individuals who identify as women.” Destroy athletics as a source of dignity and striving for biological human females. Remove all safeguards and turn women’s prisons into hellholes of abuse — not because some trans-identified men are bad people, but because they are men — and men are permanently, immutably superior to women in size and strength.
(b) Reject the pseudoscience of trans ideology that asserts it's possible to be born in the wrong body or to change one’s sex. Preserve Title IX as originally codified. Simultaneously craft whatever provisions are available by law to provide equitable treatment for trans-identified people in all spheres of life, as long as the specific sex-based rights of biological human females, i.e., women, are protected.
Gender is not the point… Sex is.