WoLF Encyclopedia of
Bad Gender Arguments
About the Encyclopedia of Bad Gender Arguments
WoLF’s Encyclopedia of Bad Gender Arguments was written by three WoLF volunteers: Dr. Devin Buckley, K.S. Jolly, and a third volunteer with a degree in philosophy, who wishes to remain anonymous. We are grateful for all of their efforts to produce such an incredibly helpful resource!
The following contains a list of some of the most common types of flawed reasoning and rhetorical strategies used by proponents of ‘woke’ gender identity politics, and explanations of why they fail.
In some cases, we point out formal fallacy names (e.g. “the association fallacy”) and in other cases, we invent a name for the phenomenon (e.g. “fallacy of complacency”). After all, fallacy names are just clever phrases invented over time to describe common instances of bad reasoning—sort of like TV Tropes for philosophers.
This reference mainly focuses on fallacies and violations of logic, but arguments can also be bad without necessarily being illogical. One example below may be problematic on multiple counts (e.g. an assertion may be an instance of false dichotomy and the association fallacy at once). This reference tried to keep things simple by focusing on just one major flaw per assertion, but related fallacies are referenced when relevant.
This page is a work in progress. Want to submit your own arguments? Email: volunteer@womensliberationfront.org
Looking for all the arguments in one pdf? Check here.