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“Minors are Medically Transitioning”
“Minors are medically transitioning – Even pro-affirmation sources admit it“
No Locker Rooms for Old Women
I live in Oregon and am appalled with all the signs on public restrooms that invite in men based on their feelings. No. This is not progress.
Aren't I a human with rights?
I hope that legislators will rise to the challenge of understanding the fear of the women, the countless young girls, men, and children who can't grow up mentally and/or physically healthy in the climate that they are being groomed in today. I fear that we will not be able to create mentally and physically healthy citizens from here on if we continue down the path we are reaching.
When we called it "androgynous"
So we need countermeasures. Like what your group is doing. We need to talk about what is real and what is not real. We need to acknowledge the very simple truth that there are two sexes. We need to be clear that there are innumerable genders. We need to be clear that everyone should be free to express themselves in whatever way they choose, and we need to be clear that sex-based human rights take precedence over gender-based human rights when it comes to the safety and well-being of women.
Comments on gender ideology
Some say this is just a generational issue, that "young people get it", and that eventually resistance to gender ideology will fade away. It's true there's a generational aspect to this, and it's possible gender ideology will 'win' because of it. However, I think history shows that not all change is necessarily good, and that sometimes societies do in fact go off the rails, sometimes with young people taking the lead. Young people are impressionable and extremely susceptible to social contagion. Throw in the unprecedented effects of social media, and it's not surprising that younger generations might uncritically embrace a misguided ideology such as this one.
Protect Women's Rights
All humans and animals should feel safe and protected but not at the cost of women and our (fragile) right to a just, fair, and secure life.
They Call It "Inclusion,” I Call It Danger for Women
Latinas live with misogyny every day of our life, and sadly many don't even realize. It is so stuck in our heads, that we do harmful things to our own sex, like promoting gender ideology.
Queer Sexism
To make sense of “You don’t shave, so you’re not a girl,” I made up the term “queer sexism.” It’s like sexism, but reversed: rather than regulate your behaviors, queer sexism seeks to alter your “identities” to match the behaviors you display.
Who Will Be Held Responsible?
Women are presently appallingly disregarded from both the left and the right.