Aren't I a human with rights?

Letter submitted by S. Gates

I was once told the universe gives you all things needed but human kind gives you challenges and opportunities. Some opportunities are to rise to the challenge, build character, and learn from the mistakes seen. I hope that legislators will rise to the challenge of understanding the fear of the women, the countless young girls, men, and children who can't grow up mentally and/or physically healthy in the climate that they are being groomed in today. I fear that we will not be able to create mentally and physically healthy citizens from here on if we continue down the path we are reaching.

I'm concerned that the gender ideology that has formed like a cult will teach children they need to be something they are not to be perceived as a human with rights. I'm concerned that the removal of the woman's say of their reproductive rights will mean more violence not only to women but girls who have not even reached womanhood like the 10 year old girl in Ohio. I'm concerned and feel the Supreme Court, senators, representatives no longer represent half, if not over half, of the population.

We understand there will be people who don't agree but I hope you will create a fairness that is for all. Some examples would be making sure all trans individuals have their biological sex on their ID and just add trans to that ID so that needed sex information collected doesn't obscure the sex based data especially in health related fields which could lead to more unneccesary deaths. Keep sex-based spaces so there is no doubt everyone will have a space they can be in while in a vulnerable state, especially young girls who hide in the restroom when men follow them unwarranted. Make abortion a medical care only discussed with the woman's doctor. Instead of teaching children gender ideology, teach them boundaries, safety, and how to recognize their feelings.

I would also like to see better sex education that teaches consent, safe sex, STDs, what happens to the girl after conception taught to both sex, and raise the age of consent to 18 for all states so grown men won't feel it is okay to flash/mentally traumatize 16 year old girls like in that viral video. Create harsher punishment for sexual violence especially against children that will not be limited to chemical castration after the first offense. I hope that legislators will create legislation that will keep both sexes, male and female, respectful of each other’s and children’s spaces, safety, and rights so it may calm the climate we are in now and create healthy space for all.


There is no Hope for Girls and Women in Here


When we called it "androgynous"