Cathleen Quinn: Domestic Abuse Survivor Forced To Live With Violent Men
Meet the newest plaintiffs in WoLF’s groundbreaking prison lawsuit, Chandler v. CDCR
Tomiekia’s Story: New Video Highlights Issues At Heart of WoLF’s Prison Lawsuit
The ‘Cruel and Unusual Punishment’ series by Independent Women’s Forum shares the voice of Tomiekia Johnson, one of the six plaintiffs in WoLF’s lawsuit to overturn self-ID laws in California’s prisons.
WoLF Files New Complaint in Landmark Case to Get Men out of California Women’s Prisons
The amended complaint adds two additional plaintiffs and three more years of evidence of the failure of prison “self-ID” policies like SB 132
WoLF Files Amicus Brief In Potential Landmark Employment Case
John Kluge lost his teaching position in Indiana for refusing to submit to 'transgender' naming demands by school district
The Fight Is Not Over: Next Steps in Chandler v. CDCR
WoLF is committed to pursuing every legal avenue to justice for Janine, Tomiekia, Krystal, Nadia, and all incarcerated women in California
WoLF Submits Testimony In Support of New Hampshire Bill Protecting Single-Sex Spaces (HB396)
On Wednesday, WoLF submitted testimony to the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee in support of HB396, which asserts that public entities have the right to single-sex spaces and opportunities including in “athletic competitions, criminal incarceration, or places of intimate privacy.”
Biden Erased Women: An In-Depth Analysis of the New Title IX Regulation, What It Means, and How We Got Here
On Friday, the Department of Education announced its new Title IX rule redefining sex to include gender identity, and it is both horrifying and unsurprising.
New Title IX Rules: A Dark Week For Women’s Sports
This past week has been breathtaking in the swift evisceration of women’s sex-based rights. We have been thrust unwillingly into a new era of Endarkenment.
Woman is Worth Fighting For
The following is an excerpt of an op-ed submitted by WoLF Political Consultant Chenelle Brown, published April 17th in the Daily Hampshire Gazette.
Open Letter to NPR: Feminists Demand Fair and Balanced Coverage of Transgender Identity Issues
The Cass Review is a moment of reckoning, a serious wake up call for NPR and journalists across the United States. Now is the time for a return to the guiding ethics of impartiality, honesty, independence, fairness, and accuracy that NPR claims to uphold.
Virginia Values Act: An Affront Against Women
An excerpt of an op ed submtted by WoLF Vice President by Margot Heffernan published April 8th in the Rockingham News.
A Win for the Women’s Bill of Rights: Kansas Judges Rules Against Sex Marker Changes on ID
This is the first court challenge faced by WoLF’s Women Bill of Rights - and marks a major win for our model legislation!
New Polls Show That Even Democrats Are Split on Gender Identity Policies in Schools
Issues like racism and gay rights, however, are less controversial among the same group.
The Southern Poverty Law Center Doesn’t Care About Women
In a six-part series that namedrops WoLF over a dozen times while attempting to “debunk” inconvenient realities about gender identity, they spared not one sentence addressing our actual concern: the harm to women and girls.
Keep Sororities Female-Only! WoLF Files Amicus Brief in Westenbroek v. KKG
WoLF filed an Amicus Brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on Monday in the case of Westenbroek v. KKG, arguing in support of keeping sororities women-only.
SCOTUS Denies Hearing Tingley v. Ferguson
WoLF is disappointed to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of Tingley v. Ferguson. The case centered around Washington state's SB 5722, a law that infringes on the rights of therapists and patients by mandating 'affirmation-only' therapy for minors with gender dysphoria.
WoLF Submits Joint Amicus Brief in Indiana Bathroom Case to SCOTUS
Joined by three other women’s groups, WoLF is urging the Supreme Court to hear the case Metropolitan School District Of Martinsville V. A.C.
New California Poll Reveals Dramatic Decrease for Support of “Gender Identity” Policies Since 2020
The tide is turning as a majority of California voters “strongly disagree” with allowing men to identify into women’s spaces like changing rooms and shelters, up nearly 20 points in the past three years.
Take Action! Tell the FDA to Address Off-Label Use of Puberty Blockers in Children
Dangerous puberty blockers like Lupron are being prescribed to minors without FDA oversight - Act now to protect more children from harm!
WoLF Files Amicus Brief in Support of Fired “I Resolve” Teachers
The brief to the Ninth Circuit in the case of Damiano v. Grants Pass School District argues that discussion of issues that impact women and girls must be protected speech as a matter of public concern