WoLF Testifies in South Carolina on Save Women’s Sports Bills
During the past two weeks, WoLF focused on two “Save Women’s Sports” bills in South Carolina: SC House Bill 4608 and SC Senate Bill 0531.
Because of drastic differences between these two bills, WoLF submitted written testimony in support of H. 4608, and written and oral testimony in opposition to S. 0531. Despite the fact that both bills were titled “Save Women’s Sports,” S. 0531 did not focus on adult female athletes at all; it completely excluded collegiate sports.
Dr. Mahri Irvine, WoLF’s Executive Director, submitted written testimony in support of SC H. 4608. She noted that this was “an excellent bill” because it provided “a sufficient amount of detail to ensure that the integrity and fairness of women and girls’ sports [would] not be undermined by men and boys.”
H. 4608 also included a crucial detail: it required the use of birth certificates filed at or near the time of students’ births. This would ensure that male athletes who “identify as” women or girls could not use altered birth certificates in order to infiltrate female sports teams or competitions.
When males are able to alter their birth certificates in order to gain access to women’s and girls’ sports, they do more than just take unfair advantage in competitions. They also contribute to a culture of gaslighting in which other athletes, coaches, parents, and spectators are required to refer to them as “girls” or “women.” We have seen this happen repeatedly in the Lia Thomas scandal that is continuing to unfold: female athletes, coaches, and people across the country are being encouraged and pressured to refer to Lia as a woman even though Lia is male. In her H. 4608 testimony, Dr. Irvine explained that the use of accurate, unaltered birth certificates would help ensure that people would not be forced to participate in “faith-based, pseudoscientific claims that humans can transition into the opposite sex.”
WoLF Executive Director Dr. Mahri Irvine (left) and ADF State Government Relations Director Tonya Schellnutt (right)
In addition to submitting written testimony for H. 4608, Dr. Irvine was also on the list to provide oral testimony at the hearing. However, due to trans activists illegitimately manipulating the list of registered speakers, Dr. Irvine was not able to testify. Fortunately, Alliance Defending Freedom had arranged a press conference directly after the committee hearing, and Dr. Irvine was on the agenda, so she was able to share her testimony with the large crowd that gathered for the press conference. Dr. Irvine appreciated ADF’s inclusion of WoLF at this press conference.
This week, Dr. Irvine returned to the SC capitol to testify in opposition to S. 0531. Unlike the House bill, this Senate bill was insufficient to protect female athletes: it completely excluded collegiate sports and it did not require the use of unaltered birth certificates.
In her S. 0531 testimony, Dr. Irvine suggested that the senators refer to H. 4608 as a bill to model their efforts on. She stated that female athletes in college deserve to be protected just like middle school and high school athletes. She also explained that birth certificates filed at or near the time of students’ births are essential in order to verify the sex of athletes who claim to be female.
At the senate hearing, trans activists once again tried to manipulate the list of registered speakers. Fortunately, senate staff members ensured that equal numbers of speakers in opposition and favor of the bill were allowed to speak, and Dr. Irvine was the first presenter to provide testimony.
It is important to note that while WoLF opposed S. 0531 because of its obvious failure to protect female collegiate athletes, other agencies and individuals believed that it was important to support S. 0531 despite its deficiencies, in order to show support for at least some level of protection for female sports. However, Dr. Irvine felt that it would be an error for WoLF to support a bill that clearly failed to protect women in college sports.
Fortunately, the S. 0531 hearing resulted in an amendment being proposed and approved. The amendment added collegiate protections and a requirement for birth certificates. The amended bill will be voted on at a later date. WoLF will continue to monitor the progress of this bill and encourage its SC supporters to express support for the amended bill.
Read WoLF’s written testimony for H. 4608 here.
Read WoLF’s written testimony for S. 0531 here.
WoLF in the News
“Female athletes in college deserve to be protected,” said Dr. Mahri Irvine, the executive director of the Women’s Liberation Front.
Bill sponsor Sen. Richard Cash, R-Anderson, agreed, and the panel voted unanimously to add college sports.
take action - Does your state support female sports?
Legislation is being introduced across the United States to ensure the safety and equality of female sports. Spreading the word and advocating for the passage of proposed sports bills is an important action step that can be taken by anyone living in a state where these bills are being introduced. It’s more important than ever to send the message loud and clear to our elected officials: we support women’s and girls’ rights to play sports!
You can contact your state and federal representatives and senators about this issue and tell them about specific bills like this one in your state by completing the form at the link below.