WIN! Massachusetts Library Uncancels Event After WoLF Intervenes

The bullies tried to stop public discussion. We pushed back to protect your rights —  and won. 

On Monday the Tewksbury Public Library reversed its decision to cancel a webinar on sex and sports after WoLF and a group of concerned citizens took action. The event, which carefully, reasonably, and scientifically laid out the sex differences between male and female athletes, was initially canceled after public backlash. 

We moved quickly to ensure there would be a platform for this important public discussion. 

Free speech is foundational for feminist activism, and we must always fight to defend our First Amendment rights.

While librarians have led the charge against the growing trend of book banning, libraries across the country have still bowed (unconstitutionally) repeatedly to public pressure from those who wish to silence women. When the Tewksbury Library caved to pressure and tried to shut down Dr. Brown's talk, we knew we had to push back even louder.

WoLF Platformed Dr. Brown last night in place of the originally scheduled talk. Watch his presentation, "Sex Differences and Fairness in Female Sports" here:

Our Sisters in Action in Massachusetts didn’t back down, either — and we totally had their backs. We researched that the library reported to the Town Manager, so we encouraged you to tell him what you thought. And you did! The Town Manager reported through the "Boston Herald" that the event was back on, even though not for the originally scheduled night, because WoLF platformed Dr. Brown that night. The story was even covered positively in the Boston Herald, The Washington Post, and local outlets!

Dr. Brown's library discussion took place last night with over 150 attendees, many of whom asked engaging questions highlighting the importance of the discussion. After his presentation, Dr. Brown thanked WoLF for stepping up on his behalf to help reverse the cancelation.

Join the Fight!

This win is a testament to the power of local organizing. 

Does your town have a library? Would you be interested in scheduling a similar conversation with your community? Waking up people locally IS how we bring the unaware to the table.

If you’re ready to be a part of activism like this, join WoLF’s Sisters In Action network. Whether it’s organizing a library talk, supporting a local protest, or just standing up when the bullies try to push us down, we need you on the front lines of feminism!

Support WoLF’s Fight for Free Speech! 

WoLF is at the forefront of the battle to protect free speech on women’s rights. Now more than ever, we need your support. With every brief, every case, and every court appearance, WoLF is protecting the sex-based rights of women and girls across the country. But we can't do this without you. 

Note: Many of our supporters choose to give from their assets — stock gifts, grants from Donor-Advised funds, or Qualified Charitable Distributions from their IRAs. Please consider whether these “tax-smart” methods work better for you!


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