Governor Newsom: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
It’s not enough to hide behind talk of “fairness” while letting women’s rights be trampled across California
Maine v. Women: The Hypocritical, “Progressive” Push to end Title IX
These states believe that women should not have the federally protected right to equal educational opportunities.
Title IX Updates: Women’s Sports and Sexual Harassment
Amid a rapidly moving landscape, here’s where Title IX stands on key issues following multiple executive orders, court decisions, and a new Dear Colleague Letter
Tell Congress: Pass HR28 to Protect Women’s Sports
URGENT! The House is set to vote on HR 28 at noon EST tomorrow (January 14)!
Women’s Liberation Front in the News
Discover the latest news about WoLF on women's prisons, gender identity ideology, and women's sports - exciting updates you won't want to miss!
Inside The Legal Fight to Save Title IX
WoLF has relentlessly filed Amicus Briefs, FOIA requests, petitions, and testimony at every opportunity to advocate for women’s sex-based rights
WoLF Files New Amicus Brief In Support of Case to Save Title IX!
The case of Louisiana v. U.S. Department of Education stands to redefine Title IX in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
Amplifying the Legal Fight for Sex-Based Rights
This past year, WoLF has significantly expanded our bench of legal expertise in service to our charitable mission. Learn about the critical US court cases deciding the fate of sex-based rights!
WoLF Submits Input to UN For Report Against Violence Against Women and Girls in Sport
WoLF has submitted input to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, Reem Alsalem, in response to a call for input on violence against women and girls in sport.
WoLF Joins Coalition in Demanding NCAA Repeal Policy Allowing Men in Women’s Sports
WoLF has joined the nonpartisan coalition of 12 organizations, Our Bodies Our Sports, in demanding the NCAA take immediate action to repeal its discriminatory policy that allows male athletes to compete in women’s sports.
Biden Erased Women: An In-Depth Analysis of the New Title IX Regulation, What It Means, and How We Got Here
On Friday, the Department of Education announced its new Title IX rule redefining sex to include gender identity, and it is both horrifying and unsurprising.
WoLF Submits Freedom of Information Act Request in Response to Disastrous Title IX Rules
Did the Department of Ed. misrepresent the views of commenters?
New Title IX Rules: A Dark Week For Women’s Sports
This past week has been breathtaking in the swift evisceration of women’s sex-based rights. We have been thrust unwillingly into a new era of Endarkenment.
Female Athletes: Tell the NCAA to Protect Women’s Sports!
Use this form to email each member of the NCAA Board of Governors and tell them to follow the lead of the NAIA and protect women’s collegiate sport and establish a new policy keeping women’s sports female.
Female Athletes Sue NCAA to Save Women’s Sports
16 female athletes, including Riley Gaines, are represented in the suit funded by ICONS
WoLF Endorses Federal Legislation to Save Women’s Sports
WoLF has endorsed the Protection of Women in Olympic and Amateur Sports Act to prohibit men from competing in women's sports
WoLF Signs Joint Petition to NCAA
Take Action! Write the NCAA to show your support for our demands.
WoLF Attends ICONS 2023 International Women’s Sports Summit
From July 21–23, hundreds of attendees, including WoLF Board member Liz Fedak, gathered at Golden, CO for the second annual International Women’s Sports Summit organized by the Independent Council on Women’s Sports (ICONS).
Take Action! Celebrate National Women’s Sports Week
When men are allowed to compete as women, female athletes lose opportunities. Recognizing the importance of these opportunities for women and girls has never been more important.
WoLF Files Opposition to Proposed Title IX Rule Limiting Sports Eligibility by Sex
The Department of Education’s latest attack on Title IX female-only sports also encourages young boys to take estrogen to be eligible for the girls’ team and forces schools that use sex-based criteria for athletics to make exceptions for male athletes based on their “gender identity”