WoLF Files New SCOTUS Brief Arguing Mandatory “Gender Ideology” in Schools Constitutes Establishment of State Religion
Mahmoud, et al. v. Taylor, et al: WoLF brings feminist arguments to the Supreme Court
Year in Review: 2024
This year has been electrifying for our radical feminist efforts in the courts of law and public opinion! Thanks to your unwavering support, WoLF has fiercely advocated for women’s rights and achieved monumental strides in the relay run towards the total liberation of women and girls in 2024.
WoLF Files Amicus Brief In Potential Landmark Employment Case
John Kluge lost his teaching position in Indiana for refusing to submit to 'transgender' naming demands by school district
New Polls Show That Even Democrats Are Split on Gender Identity Policies in Schools
Issues like racism and gay rights, however, are less controversial among the same group.
WoLF Files Amicus Brief in Support of Fired “I Resolve” Teachers
The brief to the Ninth Circuit in the case of Damiano v. Grants Pass School District argues that discussion of issues that impact women and girls must be protected speech as a matter of public concern
Take Action! Protect Title IX & Women’s Sports!
The Title IX proposed regulation ignores reasons for single-sex sports and forces schools to adopt “gender identity” policies
WoLF Submits Comments to Virginia Department of Education
WoLF submitted comments to the Virginia Dept. of Education focused on free speech, safeguarding of bona fide occupational qualifications, and the incorrect use of Bostock to support unlawful guidance, and described improvements to be made to the policies, including the use of coherently-defined terms and the protection of lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) students.
A Girl Was Assaulted in a School Restroom, and the Left is Disappointingly Silent
#TimesUp on Sexual Assault, Unless the Rapist Wears a Skirt
Take Action! Support Oregon Educators’ Right to Free Speech
Rachel Damiano and Katie Medart were placed on administrative leave after speaking out against state and district “gender identity” policies
WoLF and WHRC Issue Joint Statement to Loudoun County Virginia School Board
“Women fought hard for the right to female-only facilities like bathrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms so that girls like Jolene could have privacy. Don’t let her down now.”
Confirmed: Biden’s Pick for Education Secretary Will Not Enforce Title IX
Miguel Cardona was questioned by Sen. Rand Paul on whether or not he thinks boys should be allowed to compete in girls’ athletic leagues.