Trump’s Executive Orders Head To The Courts
President Trump’s executive orders (EOs) on sex and gender identity issues continue to face significant legal challenges. Some EOs remain in effect, while others are blocked in full or in part by federal courts. We’ve compiled a list of the cases we’re watching on gender identity.
Update: Courts Block Executive Order To Get Men Out Of Women’s Prisons
Two courts issued temporary restraining orders preventing the transfer of male prisoners who identify as transgender women to male prisons. More will follow.
Title IX Updates: Women’s Sports and Sexual Harassment
Amid a rapidly moving landscape, here’s where Title IX stands on key issues following multiple executive orders, court decisions, and a new Dear Colleague Letter
Changes to EEOC: Where does this leave employment protections?
Trump’s executive order on gender identity helps protect women, but protections for LGB people still lack clarity
WIN! President Trump Issues Sweeping Executive Order on Sex and Gender Identity
This executive order is a huge win for women’s rights. It represents over a decade of work by feminist women and organizations like WoLF to sound the alarm about the harms of gender identity ideology.
Inside The Legal Fight to Save Title IX
WoLF has relentlessly filed Amicus Briefs, FOIA requests, petitions, and testimony at every opportunity to advocate for women’s sex-based rights
WoLF Files New Amicus Brief In Support of Case to Save Title IX!
The case of Louisiana v. U.S. Department of Education stands to redefine Title IX in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
Amplifying the Legal Fight for Sex-Based Rights
This past year, WoLF has significantly expanded our bench of legal expertise in service to our charitable mission. Learn about the critical US court cases deciding the fate of sex-based rights!
Women Outraged Over Regulations Replacing ‘Sex’ with ‘Gender Identity’ In Federal Civil Rights Laws
Women are furious about a wave of new regulations dropped by federal agencies that erase women by replacing “sex” in civil rights laws with “gender identity.”
Biden Erased Women: An In-Depth Analysis of the New Title IX Regulation, What It Means, and How We Got Here
On Friday, the Department of Education announced its new Title IX rule redefining sex to include gender identity, and it is both horrifying and unsurprising.
WoLF Submits Freedom of Information Act Request in Response to Disastrous Title IX Rules
Did the Department of Ed. misrepresent the views of commenters?
New Title IX Rules: A Dark Week For Women’s Sports
This past week has been breathtaking in the swift evisceration of women’s sex-based rights. We have been thrust unwillingly into a new era of Endarkenment.
WoLF Joined By International Coalition in Demanding FDA Address Off-Label Use of Puberty Blockers in Children
On Tuesday, WoLF joined over fifty clinicians and researchers in ten different countries and multiple organizations in demanding that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) take action against the off-label use of puberty blockers in children.
Take Action! Tell the FDA to Address Off-Label Use of Puberty Blockers in Children
Dangerous puberty blockers like Lupron are being prescribed to minors without FDA oversight - Act now to protect more children from harm!
WoLF Files Opposition to Proposed Title IX Rule Limiting Sports Eligibility by Sex
The Department of Education’s latest attack on Title IX female-only sports also encourages young boys to take estrogen to be eligible for the girls’ team and forces schools that use sex-based criteria for athletics to make exceptions for male athletes based on their “gender identity”
Take Action! Protect Title IX & Women’s Sports!
The Title IX proposed regulation ignores reasons for single-sex sports and forces schools to adopt “gender identity” policies
WoLF Submits Amicus Brief Against Biden Dept Ed Title IX Rules
Women’s Liberation Front filed an amicus brief in the case of Tennessee v. US Dept. of Education. The case will re-examine sex discrimination and gender identity in school sports. WoLF's brief aims to protect women and girls from discrimination in education on the basis of their sex.
Heart Attacks, Detransitioners, and Conversion Therapy: WoLF Educates the NIH about “Gender-Affirming Care”
WoLF educated the NIH about research opportunities and needs related to “gender-affirming care,” including the physical and psychological impacts on female patients.
WoLF Responds to Request for Input from NSTC Subcommittee on Equitable Data
WoLF saw this invitation to submit a response as an opportunity to educate government administrators and leaders about several profoundly important issues related to women’s rights and the treatment of lesbians. WoLF is gravely concerned about how lesbians have been harmed by gender ideology.