Women’s Liberation Front in the News
Discover the latest news about WoLF on women's prisons, gender identity ideology, and women's sports - exciting updates you won't want to miss!
Amplifying the Legal Fight for Sex-Based Rights
This past year, WoLF has significantly expanded our bench of legal expertise in service to our charitable mission. Learn about the critical US court cases deciding the fate of sex-based rights!
SCOTUS Denies Hearing Tingley v. Ferguson
WoLF is disappointed to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of Tingley v. Ferguson. The case centered around Washington state's SB 5722, a law that infringes on the rights of therapists and patients by mandating 'affirmation-only' therapy for minors with gender dysphoria.
Stop AB 957: Acknowledging Reality is Not Child Abuse!
A bill currently making its way through the California legislature, AB 957, amends state family law to make not “affirming” a child's claimed “gender identity” child abuse.
WoLF Submits Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Tingley v. Ferguson “Conversion Therapy” Case
Washington State’s SB 5722 would require licensed therapists to use “affirmation-only” therapy and effectively ban mental health care for detransitioners
Fighting for the Right to Fight: Women Weigh in on Attorneys’ Free Speech Rights
Learn how women’s rights advocacy is becoming viewed as “misconduct” and public targeting of legal work protecting women and girls from “gender identity” policies.
Virginia Supreme Court Hears Arguments about Compelled Speech and “Preferred Pronouns”
On Nov. 4, 2022, the parties in the case of Peter Vlaming v. West Point School Board took their arguments to the Virginia Supreme Court to determine whether Virginia public schools have the power to fire teachers who refuse to use incorrect sex-based “preferred pronouns” as demanded by school students. In May 2022, WoLF filed an amicus brief for this case, bringing our radical feminist arguments to the Virginia Supreme Court. This article provides an update about Peter Vlaming v. West Point School Board.
New Legal Ethics Rule Threatens Attorney Free Speech
WoLF examines how a proposed change to Rule 8.4(g) of the Rules of Professional Conduct for lawyers will create a massive and novel intrusion into the beliefs and speech of lawyers regarding “gender identity” while they are in the courtroom -- and even when they are not actively involved in a case. This means that lawyers might be required by judges to use "preferred pronouns," or that "misgendering" will be viewed in the same light as racial slurs.
WoLF and CWA Submit 7th Circuit Amicus Brief to Support Female-Only Athletics Teams
WoLF submitted a co-authored amicus brief for A.M. v. Indianapolis Public Schools, a Title IX athletics case in the 7th Judicial Circuit Court.
WoLF Submits Public Comments to US Department of Education’s Proposed Title IX Regulations
The proposed "gender identity" rules are contrary to Title IX and will profoundly harm the interests of women and girls.
WoLF Takes Radical Feminist Free Speech Arguments to the Virginia Supreme Court
WoLF has just filed a friend-of-the-court brief (also known as an amicus brief) with the Supreme Court of Virginia, in a case where a public school French language teacher was fired after attempting to avoid the use of incorrect male pronouns for a female student who believes she is a boy.