WoLF Files New SCOTUS Brief Arguing Mandatory “Gender Ideology” in Schools Constitutes Establishment of State Religion
Mahmoud, et al. v. Taylor, et al: WoLF brings feminist arguments to the Supreme Court
Year in Review: 2024
This year has been electrifying for our radical feminist efforts in the courts of law and public opinion! Thanks to your unwavering support, WoLF has fiercely advocated for women’s rights and achieved monumental strides in the relay run towards the total liberation of women and girls in 2024.
Skrmetti At The Supreme Court: WoLF Legal Arguments Challenge “Gender Affirmation”
As oral arguments in Skrmetti took place, protests erupted outside the Supreme Court from groups on both sides. The massive public attention this case has garnered from all sides shows how important it is to ensure feminist arguments are present in these debates: WoLF submitted an amicus brief this past October.
FSC v. Paxton: WoLF Submits Amicus Brief to SCOTUS in Support of Anti-Porn Law
WoLF has helped pass similar age-verification laws around the country, cutting porn purveyors and predators off at the knees
WoLF Files Amicus Brief In Support of Women Fired From Alaska Airlines Over Opposition to Gender Identity Law
WoLF filed an amicus brief to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals in the case of Brown v. Alaska Airlines, which centers around two women fired for expressing their opposition to the Equality Act.
WoLF Files to SCOTUS in US v. Skrmetti to Protect Children from “Gender” Medicine
WoLF filed an amicus brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in U.S. v. Skrmetti, defending laws that ban the use of puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and genital surgeries on minors for so-called “gender affirmation.”
Inside The Legal Fight to Save Title IX
WoLF has relentlessly filed Amicus Briefs, FOIA requests, petitions, and testimony at every opportunity to advocate for women’s sex-based rights
WoLF Files New Amicus Brief In Support of Case to Save Title IX!
The case of Louisiana v. U.S. Department of Education stands to redefine Title IX in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas.
Amplifying the Legal Fight for Sex-Based Rights
This past year, WoLF has significantly expanded our bench of legal expertise in service to our charitable mission. Learn about the critical US court cases deciding the fate of sex-based rights!
WoLF Files Amicus Brief In Potential Landmark Employment Case
John Kluge lost his teaching position in Indiana for refusing to submit to 'transgender' naming demands by school district
Keep Sororities Female-Only! WoLF Files Amicus Brief in Westenbroek v. KKG
WoLF filed an Amicus Brief to the United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit on Monday in the case of Westenbroek v. KKG, arguing in support of keeping sororities women-only.
SCOTUS Denies Hearing Tingley v. Ferguson
WoLF is disappointed to learn that the U.S. Supreme Court has declined to hear the case of Tingley v. Ferguson. The case centered around Washington state's SB 5722, a law that infringes on the rights of therapists and patients by mandating 'affirmation-only' therapy for minors with gender dysphoria.
WoLF Submits Joint Amicus Brief in Indiana Bathroom Case to SCOTUS
Joined by three other women’s groups, WoLF is urging the Supreme Court to hear the case Metropolitan School District Of Martinsville V. A.C.
WoLF Files Amicus Brief in Support of Fired “I Resolve” Teachers
The brief to the Ninth Circuit in the case of Damiano v. Grants Pass School District argues that discussion of issues that impact women and girls must be protected speech as a matter of public concern
WoLF Submits Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Tingley v. Ferguson “Conversion Therapy” Case
Washington State’s SB 5722 would require licensed therapists to use “affirmation-only” therapy and effectively ban mental health care for detransitioners
WoLF Files Amicus Brief with Supreme Court to Save Women’s Sports
B.P.J. v. West Virginia State Board of Education is the first “Save Women’s Sports” bill to receive scrutiny from the highest court.
WoLF Submits Amicus Brief Against Biden Dept Ed Title IX Rules
Women’s Liberation Front filed an amicus brief in the case of Tennessee v. US Dept. of Education. The case will re-examine sex discrimination and gender identity in school sports. WoLF's brief aims to protect women and girls from discrimination in education on the basis of their sex.
Fairness in Women’s Sports: Updates from Hecox v. Little
Get the latest update about Hecox v. Little, the lawsuit concerning women’s single-sex sports.
Fighting for the Right to Fight: Women Weigh in on Attorneys’ Free Speech Rights
Learn how women’s rights advocacy is becoming viewed as “misconduct” and public targeting of legal work protecting women and girls from “gender identity” policies.
Virginia Supreme Court Hears Arguments about Compelled Speech and “Preferred Pronouns”
On Nov. 4, 2022, the parties in the case of Peter Vlaming v. West Point School Board took their arguments to the Virginia Supreme Court to determine whether Virginia public schools have the power to fire teachers who refuse to use incorrect sex-based “preferred pronouns” as demanded by school students. In May 2022, WoLF filed an amicus brief for this case, bringing our radical feminist arguments to the Virginia Supreme Court. This article provides an update about Peter Vlaming v. West Point School Board.