How to Get Involved This International Women’s Day (in support of ACTUAL women!)

With International Women’s Day turning into just another opportunity for the trans agenda to hijack women’s rights, here’s how you can still get involved and support real women

Join the Campaign: United Women For 8MARCH

WoLF has partnered with Matria in Brazil and Lasst-frauen-sprechen in Germany under the banner United Women For Women’s Rights to organize a campaign for March 8th, International Women’s Day, which centers the real needs of real women around the world. 

On International Women’s Day, a day set aside for women to express and assert our concerns for a better future for us all, we call on governments everywhere to recognize the fundamental, radical equality that women deserve. This is not to say men and women are the same. Men don’t menstruate or gestate, do they? But women deserve full human rights, dignity and respect, per the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. We deserve autonomy, to pursue education and ambitions, to have families or not, to move about freely without fear of rape or assault.

  • We call for consent to be moved to the front of discussions regarding women’s rights and violations against us: another group cannot give our rights away against our will, which is why consent needs to be enshrined in international law.

  • We call for the world to recognize and embrace a new vision of humanity, where women are self-sovereign and autonomous and have no more reason to fear men. A world where women are not treated as second class human beings, where no one gets left behind, where everyone gets fed, where children are cared for and educated, where advances are made because women have unique and precious gifts to contribute to the world and they are free to do it.

  • We call on women from all over the world to join United Women for 8M and adapt the templates of the campaign to our local language and situation, focusing on whatever rights are being threatened in your region or being advanced by your organization.

  • We also ask that the situation of Afghan women is put forward on this 8th of March: we need to speak for those who are being silenced in such extreme ways.

Join WDI in Protesting Afghanistan

Our sisters at WDI are organizing a protest of Afghan embassies in the United States to take a stand against the extreme oppression of women in Afghanistan.

There are Afghan embassies in DC, California, and New York.

You can also take action in support of Afghan women by following and amplifying WDI Afghanistan.

Contact Your Lawmakers with WoLF Postcards

We encourage you to contact your lawmakers and demand they focus on women’s rights! WoLF has created postcards you can order or print to send to your lawmakers. There are multiple versions featuring custom messaging to appeal to the left (blue), right (red), and center (purple). 

Wear White  on March 8!

Women around the world will be wearing white on March 8th in solidarity.

An easy way you can join in the protests is to show up at work, school, or wherever in the world you are in white! 

Post on Social Media

No matter what action you take, be sure to post on social media in support of the United Women campaign! Matria has created an excellent library of resources for social media you can download and use. 

Be sure to tag @UNWomenRights and use the hashtags:  #unitedwomen #unitedwomenfor8march #womentakeback8M

Support WoLF

This International Women’s Day, there is no better time to donate to WoLF in support of our mission to RESTORE, PROTECT, and ADVANCE the rights of women and girls.

WoLF relies on the generous support of people like you to make our groundbreaking legal and policy work possible! 


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