Writers of the Letters for the Front have provided permission to share their submissions, and while WoLF does not necessarily endorse all of the content in Letters from the Front, we value our supporters' freedom of speech and only request revisions or edits concerning readability. Read our User Generated Content policy for more information on community content.
Lesbians: Critically Endangered
“Lesbians are being medicalized as a form of conversion therapy... The ‘trans’ movement is a lesbian eugenics movement.“
A Mother’s Concern For Her Daughters
“I’m concerned about the elimination of sex segregation in changing rooms, locker rooms & bathrooms in schools, work places, and public facilities.“
Nowhere Safe for my Female Children
Today I cried after listening to NCAA swimmer Riley Gaines break into tears recounting her experience being exposed against her will to a man in her changing room.
From a Woman in STEM: Women's Groups Are Overrun By Men
“I said that there were too many men in the club, and the whole meaning of “Women in STEM” had become meaningless.“
“Women Are Now at Risk of Unwanted Exposure to the Opposite Sex”
“I looked past the curtain and saw a man dressed in a woman's bathing suit watching little girls take down their swimsuits in order to use the restroom.“
From Three Abuse Survivors
“Sexual abuse survivors feel powerless all over again and disregarded by society for fear of being labeled transphobic.”
From Spaces That Are No Longer Safe
“It was like a fun game for them to pretend to need this as much, if not MORE, than the women I saw day in day out, most of whom were in serious pain or had serious body issues.”
From Five Lesbians
“I once rejected a trans woman because they are male and he tried to rape me to teach me to like penis.”
From Women Who Have Spoken Out
“I have never felt so endangered simply for existing or trying to speak. And I used to be an activist for LGB rights in what was the most violent Evangelical area in the country, at that time. This is worse.”
From a Woman Living in a Man’s World
“I suffer from Anorexia Nervosa - it has almost killed me. If people pandered to my delusions and validated my delusions then I would be dead.”
From Two Grandmothers
“As a lesbian and woman I am furious that public schools are teaching trans ideology.”
From A Survivor of Statutory Rape
“Why don't we hear about how suicidal rape can make girls and women, and the horrifying risk that being bullied and humiliated by men in our safe spaces will result in a spike in girls' and women's suicides?”
From Two Survivors of Rape
“This is the first that I’ve really come to terms with the fact that I won’t even be safe in spaces specifically meant for women only.”
From Inside a Women’s Prison
A woman currently incarcerated in California speaks out on the impact of “gender identity” policies that place male offenders in women’s prisons.
Dispatches from Women’s Services
Women who know first-hand the importance of single-sex spaces speak out on how gender ideology is harming women in need of support and social services.