From A Trans Widow

Originally published on May 12, 2021

My ex-husband is just that, my ex-HUSBAND. His transition did not change the distinctly male ways in which he abused me.

I tried so hard to get it in his head that there is “no wrong way to be a woman” when he cried about looking like a man in a dress. I was wrong. There IS a wrong way to be a woman, and that is to be a man first.

I cared and I tried to be understanding and supportive, and I wish now that I had never wasted the energy. He was never “in the wrong body,” he was a sexually abusive, mentally ill, porn-addicted creep who took out his self-hatred and depravity on me.

Gender ideology pushed him over an edge he could have come back from. Gender ideology told him getting boners while wearing my underwear was normal. Gender ideology has made it so that I can’t talk freely about him, even to my therapist. I have to refer to him and all his very masculine abuses as being done by a “woman.”

Gender ideology vilifies me for daring to be cautious around trans-identified men now in the same ways I would be wary of any other man, and tells me my experience is abnormal or doesn’t actually happen in real life.

Well, HIS choice to rape me with his very masculine penis was the most male thing he ever did to me, and no amount of hormones or makeup or pink hair accessories will ever change that.

Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them.

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