WoLF Guide to Civic Engagement
Everything you need to know to start lobbying your local, state, or federal representatives on behalf of women’s rights.
Tools for lobbying your representatives
on behalf of women’s rights
We created this curriculum for women looking to start reaching out to their elected representatives on issues that matter to them.
Downloadable templates
Use these sample letters, emails, and materials as
a starting point for your action
Other Recommended Resources
Relevant printouts and research for lobbying on specific issues
Women’s Sports
Benefits - Why Sports Participation for Women and Girls (Women’s Sports Foundation)
World Rugby summary on “transgender biology and performance research”
Women’s Prisons
Overlooked: Women and Jails in an Era of Reform (Vera Institute of Justice)
Transgender Inmates in California’s Prisons Study (UC Irvine)
Women in Prison: A Fact Sheet (Amnesty International)
This guide was created largely by WoLF volunteers including Caitie Moon and Julie DeLisle, with original art by Kacie Mills. WoLF thanks everyone who contributed to make this resource possible!