Recommended Reading
Feminist Starter Pack
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We Should All Be Feminists
by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
If you’re brand new to feminism, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s New York Times bestselling book is the perfect introduction for you. Adapted from her TED Talk of the same title, this personal essay explores sexual politics through her lens as a Nigerian woman.
Bonus: also check out her other works: Americanah and Dear Ijeawele, or A Feminist Manifesto in Fifteen Suggestions.
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men
by Caroline Criado Perez
What do snow plow schedules and biomass-burning stoves have to do with feminism? Caroline Criado Perez will tell you.
In a world built by and for men, the thousands of little ways women are disadvantaged have become invisible. This book makes our daily realities seen and paints a larger picture of how these “little” differences can lead to major lifetime consequences for women.
by Andrea Dworkin
It simply wouldn’t be a radical feminist reading list without Andrea Dworkin.
Perhaps most infamous for the “all heterosexual sex is rape” bit (a misrepresentation), her analyses of sexuality, pornography, prostitution, and misogyny have shaped generations of feminist thought.
Honestly, we recommend reading all of her works which are also available for free PDF download on radfem.org!
Close to Home: A Materialist Analysis of Women’s Oppression
by Christine Delphy
A seriously underrated work of feminist analysis, Christine Delphy’s Close to Home takes a materialist approach to understand women’s place in society.
She argues that women should be understood as a “sex class”, and examines how leftist narratives of class have historically failed to take women’s position into account.
Magic Mommas, Trembling Sisters, Puritans & Perverts: Feminist Essays
By Joanna Russ
In this short collection of essays published in 1986, feminist sci-fi writer Joanna Russ provides a meta-commentary on the state of the women’s movement.
The second essay, Power and Helplessness in the Women’s Movement, provides a framework for understanding feminist in-fighting and drama that is still as relevant today as it was 35 years ago.