Women's Liberation Front

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New Poll Reveals New York State Voters Want Senator Schumer to Amend the Equality Act to Protect Single Sex Spaces

WASHINGTON, March. 17, 2021 — A new poll conducted by Spry Strategies on behalf of Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) found that only 28 percent of New York voters support passing the Equality Act without any amendments protecting single-sex spaces and services such as changing rooms, homeless shelters, and women’s sports, even though the overwhelming majority of New York voters support the Equality Act’s anti-discrimination protections in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

“Across all party affiliations, New York voters understand that human beings cannot change sex and that it will harm women and girls to pretend otherwise,” said Natasha Chart, WoLF Executive Director. “Members of Congress must come together and act on this rare topic of bipartisan agreement and amend the Equality Act to protect women’s right to single-sex spaces.”

Summary of Key Results

  • 85 percent of NY voters believe that people who are gay or identify as transgender should be protected from discrimination in employment, housing, and public accommodations.

  • Only 20 percent of NY voters approve of male domestic abusers and sex offenders being housed in women’s prisons regardless of their claimed “gender identity.”

  • Only 28 percent of New York voters support passing the Equality Act in its current form (and only a third of voters who strongly support the Equality Act think it does not need to be amended)

  • 87 percent of NY voters agree that employees should be allowed to express personal and spiritual convictions outside the workplace without getting fired.

While debates in Congress and in the media around gender identity policies are largely framed as highly partisan, the results of this poll reveal more agreement across parties on many issues than may be expected. Specifically, Democrats and Republicans agree on strengthening worker protections, saving women’s sports, and keeping male sex offenders out of women’s prisons.

The results are consistent with national and statewide polling in California, Idaho, South Dakota, and West Virginia which show that while U.S. voters largely support anti-discrimination measures, mainstream voters also disapprove of “gender identity” policies that would impact women’s single-sex facilities and accommodations. While Democrats forge ahead with the Equality Act in the House and Senate, it is clear that they are working against the will of the people. 

Full poll results: 
