Women's Liberation Front

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WoLF Responds to Slate Article Lying About Our Stance on Abortion

On Friday, March 8, Slate published a hit piece by Allison Chapman (a man who pretends to be a woman). The article pushed classic anti-woman fearmongering narratives about our model legislation, the Women’s Bill of Rights. The bill defines ‘woman’ by sex, upholds intermediate scrutiny, and requires accurate sex data collection.

It’s difficult to paint a bill like this as “evil” when it aligns with common-sense policies supported by a majority of Americans, including Democrats.

The only way Slate could find to make WoLF look mean and scary enough to undermine this legislation was to lie about our stance on abortion in an attempt to paint feminists as far-right extremists.

WoLF stance on abortion has always been clear. From our founding ten years ago, we have unapologetically defended women’s reproductive freedom. This information is readily available across our website.

Slate did not fact-check this article, nor reach out to WoLF for comment.

This is an egregious breach of journalistic ethics that typifies the state of the misogynist-captured media.

WoLF issued the below correction to Slate. As of two days after the article was published, the retraction or correction has still not been issued.*

*Update: Slate issued the following correction after we published this article:
”Correction, Mar. 10, 2024: This article originally misstated that the Women’s Liberation Front pushes anti-abortion stances. It supports women’s reproductive autonomy.”

WoLF’s Correction Submitted to Slate


I am writing to inform you of a blatantly incorrect statement about Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) in your 3/8/24 article: “The Dangerous Scam of ‘The Women’s Bill of Rights’” by Allison Chapman. The article states:

“The language of these bills originates from a model bill created by the Independent Women’s Forum, the Independent Women’s Law Center, and the Women’s Liberation Front. These organizations are known for pushing anti-abortion stances and, in the case of the IWF, promoting a Christian nationalist agenda—including Project 2025, the comprehensive conservative plan, should a Republican win the next presidential term, to impose their values on all Americans, including a national abortion ban, banning emergency contraceptives, labeling anything related to LGBTQ+ people as “pornographic,” and outlawing pornography entirely.”

This is completely untrue, and has never been true. WoLF is a radical feminist organization that has unapologetically supported abortion on demand since its founding 10 years ago. It’s unfortunate that the author never looked at our website, where the following information is readily available:


  • We defend women’s bodily sovereignty.

  • We unapologetically support abortion on demand.

Lierre Kieth, founder of WoLF, said: 

“As the founder of WoLF, I was rather surprised to see us accused of ‘pushing anti-abortion stances,’ since literally from Day One we have advocated for women's complete reproductive sovereignty. Why is Slate so determined to deny that feminism exists?”

There’s pro-choice content on our website dating back years. In fact, at the very moment WoLF discovered your article, our Executive Director was presenting at our women’s conference on the state of abortion rights in this country, and the terrible rollback of women’s reproductive rights. 

This egregious mistake could have been corrected with the most basic fact-checking. No one contacted WoLF for comment or to fact-check any aspect of this article.  

Further, we vehemently disagree with the framing of the Women’s Bill of Rights as having “little to do with protecting women and everything to do with hurting queer and trans people.”

Lauren Bone, Legal Director for WoLF and co-author of the model legislation said:

“The author of the article clearly is not bothered by women and girls losing their sex-based legal rights. Until just a few years ago, everyone knew what men and women are. Men still exist with their full rights. But womanhood is being colonized by men, and dismantled by unelected officials pushing policy with fake definitions. The Women’s Bill of Rights is necessary to protect the safety and dignity of women and girls, in definition and reality.” 

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter and for upholding the standards of truthful and responsible journalism.

Sharon Byrne

WoLF Executive Director 

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