WoLF in the News: May 2023
Thanks our supporters, the Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) continues to pursue our mission to restore, protect, and advance the rights of women and girls!
WoLF focuses on issues affecting the sex-based rights of women and girls in the United States, which mainstream feminist organizations largely ignore. Recently, WoLF’s groundbreaking model legislation - the Women’s Bill of Rights - was enacted into Kansas state law and inspired a similar law in Tennesseegtontimes.com/news/2023/may/18/what-woman-tennessee-has-answer-gov-bill-lee-signi! This is a monumental win for women and girls.
As more lawmakers seek to protect sex-based understandings in law and policy, the integrity of Title IX and women’s sports continue to hold our nation’s attention. Take action! Ask your US Senators to save women’s sports! You can also aid our charitable efforts by making a tax-deductible gift - thank you for making this work possible!
Read a selection of recent news coverage of WoLF’s feminist efforts at the feminist front lines —
Counseling ban promotes gender identity as religion, censors science, diverse critics tell SCOTUS
By reclassifying talk therapy as regulated conduct, 9th Circuit circumvented SCOTUS ruling against California law that compelled pro-life centers to promote abortion, legal briefs argue.
The pro-choice Women's Liberation Front, which opposes gender ideology, said the law unconstitutionally imposes "a faith-based belief system" on Washington residents that forces "non-believers to express affirmation" of a "quasi-religious concept that relies on the belief of an internal, gendered spirit or soul."
Silence Starts To Break as Prominent Liberals Begin To Push Back on Transgender Agenda
‘There’s absolute terror of being perceived as bigoted,’ a columnist says of speaking out.
The main groups on the left taking up the fight against transgender inclusion in these areas are still radical feminists — so-called TERFs…
“Yes, the dam is breaking, but the dam has been being worked on for so long by these radical feminists,” founder of Sovereign Women Speak, April Morrow, a radical feminist, tells the Sun. “The reason it’s breaking now is because more people are getting involved and that’s what the radical feminists needed.
What is a woman? Tennessee has the answer, with Gov. Bill Lee signing bill defining sex in state law
Senate Bill 1440, which was signed Wednesday, clarifies that sex means “a person’s immutable biological sex as determined by anatomy and genetics existing at the time of birth,” letting the state Legislature draw clear sex-based distinctions in areas such as public accommodations and scholastic sports.
The bills were inspired by the Women’s Bill of Rights, a document drafted in March 2022 as model legislation by the right-tilting Independent Women’s Voice and Independent Women’s Law Center in collaboration with the left-tilting Women’s Liberation Front.
Gender identity athletics rule 'literally impossible' to follow, encourages sex changes: critics
Second Ed. Dept. rulemaking on gender identity draws 130,000 comments, with some citing threat to free speech, religion. Feds drastically understate compliance costs, critics say.
The Women's Liberation Front (WoLF) joined right-of-center organizations in urging supporters to file comments supporting the preservation of female-only competition in the Department of Education's Title IX notice of proposed rulemaking on "sex-related eligibility criteria."
Mahmoud, et al. v. Taylor, et al: WoLF brings feminist arguments to the Supreme Court