FSC v. Paxton: WoLF Submits Amicus Brief to SCOTUS in Support of Anti-Porn Law
WoLF has helped pass similar age-verification laws around the country, cutting porn purveyors and predators off at the knees
Pornhub Is Offline in Texas: A Win for Age Verification Laws
HB 1181 requires porn sites to use “reasonable age verification methods” to ensure that individuals attempting to access the content are not minors. Pornhub is suing to block the law.
WoLF Submits Testimony on Alaska Bill To Prohibt Porn Access To Minors
Read our submission on Alaska’s HB254, Prohibit Pornography to Minors
WoLF Endorses California Bill to Prevent Minors from Accessing Porn
WoLF endorses California’s AB 1501, which would require businesses to verify that porn consumers are 18 years or older.