Changes to EEOC: Where does this leave employment protections?
Trump’s executive order on gender identity helps protect women, but protections for LGB people still lack clarity
Biden Erased Women: An In-Depth Analysis of the New Title IX Regulation, What It Means, and How We Got Here
On Friday, the Department of Education announced its new Title IX rule redefining sex to include gender identity, and it is both horrifying and unsurprising.
WoLF Submits Joint Amicus Brief in Indiana Bathroom Case to SCOTUS
Joined by three other women’s groups, WoLF is urging the Supreme Court to hear the case Metropolitan School District Of Martinsville V. A.C.
WoLF Submits Amicus Brief Against Biden Dept Ed Title IX Rules
Women’s Liberation Front filed an amicus brief in the case of Tennessee v. US Dept. of Education. The case will re-examine sex discrimination and gender identity in school sports. WoLF's brief aims to protect women and girls from discrimination in education on the basis of their sex.
What Is “Being Transgender” After Bostock?
The Supreme Court’s majority decision in the Bostock case was great news for LGB people, but a disaster for women.