Women's Liberation Front

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Take Action! Tell CA to Pass sb 14 and Protect Child Trafficking Victims

California lawmakers are set to vote on a bill that would make the human trafficking of children a serious felony crime under the Three Strikes law. Car-jacking is a Three Strikes felony, but child-sex trafficking is not. This bill will fix that.

After sailing through the California Senate unanimously, SB 14 almost died in July when the Assembly Public Safety Committee voted against it.

Californians howled in protest, and Governor Newsom had to intervene. Within 3 days, the committee was hastily reconvened and voted to send the bill to the Assembly Appropriations Committee. However, the Appropriations Committee just placed it in the suspense file. The bill MUST leave the committee by Sept. 1st.

Child-Sex Trafficking is a serious crime! WoLF strongly advocates for punishing sex traffickers and protecting victims!

We Need Your Voice!

If you are a California resident, contact your lawmakers and express your support for SB 14!

You can easily use our Advocacy Resources, including a lawmaker look-up tool, to write your Assembly members.

Write The Appropriations Committee

Use our easy Action Button to send a message to the CA Assembly Appropriations Committee expressing your support for SB 14!

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Bill Background

Human Trafficking in California is currently defined as a “non-serious” crime — this is because a bill passed in 2016 explicitly listed which crimes were considered “serious,” and this bill failed to include human trafficking. The current version of SB 14 clarifies that the human trafficking of a minor is a serious crime.

According to the bill’s sponsor, Senator Shannon Grove, California consistently ranks as the top state in the country for number of reports to the National Human Trafficking Hotline. Human trafficking, a form of commercial sexual exploitation, is described as “modern day slavery” and impacts children as young as 11 years old.

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