2020 In Review: Our Accomplishments


2020 has been a critical year in the fight to protect women's rights. Thanks to your support, WoLF has been on the front lines each step of the way. At the close of this year, we honor the radical feminists who have passionately fought back and celebrate how far we have come! Despite its challenges, we have accomplished great things for women in 2020.

WoLF's 2020 Accomplishments

National and State Polling Data Demonstrates Support for Protecting Women and Children's Rights

At the height of election season this year, WoLF commissioned both national polling and polling in California and Idaho on issues related to "gender identity" legislation, such as those proposed in the Equality Act. In each case, we found that a majority of US voters support common-sense approaches to single-sex spaces, the medical transitioning of children, and civil rights infringements. This is the first-ever polling of its kind in the United States and provides a vital resource for advocates against harmful "gender identity" policies at every level of government.


Media Style Guide for Journalists Reporting on Sex & Gender

In the final days of the year, WoLF launched its Media Style Guide—a tool for journalists reporting on issues related to sex and gender identity, sexual orientation, and women’s rights. The style guide provides an alternative to mainstream guidelines that pushes unethical or confusing language related to women’s rights, such as those put forth by the Trans Journalists Association and subsequently adopted by the Society for Professional Journalists. You may review the WoLF Media Style Guide online.


Legal Briefs & Testimony Put Women's Civil Rights First

In January, WoLF testified in support of the Vulnerable Child Protection Act introduced in the South Dakota legislature to prevent medical harm to children who have diagnosed themselves with "gender identity issues".

This summer, WoLF engaged in a key federal rulemaking process, supporting a proposal by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to repeal a 2016 regulation that forced HUD-funded homeless and domestic violence shelters to accommodate men who self-identify as “transgender women” in women’s-only shelter facilities.

In the fall, WoLF hosted a discussion with two Canadian feminist activists to help spread the word about irresponsible government policies. We also helped our members and supporters speak out against a bill imposing this harmful policy on incarcerated women in California state correctional facilities.

WoLF also published two amicus briefs defending women's rights in court in June and November. First, we submitted an amicus brief in the case of Meriwether v. Shawnee State University, in which a professor was punished by the university for refusing to use female pronouns to refer to a male student. Second, we submitted an amicus brief to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit in the case of Hecox v. Little, in which a male student is currently fighting to compete in women's athletic programs. The Hecox v. Little case hinges on the Idaho "Fairness in Women's Sports Act" and two female student-athletes who have joined the case as appellants.


Launching Our "Women Speak" Video Series

We launched our "Women Speak!" video series with interviews from brave, inspiring women across the world.

We have published six videos in the series so far, which features female lawmakers, student activists, and Olympic athletes, and many more feminist activists and campaigners.

You can watch the video series on our YouTube channel—Subscribe and click the bell button to receive notifications of new uploads!


Expanding the WoLF Team and Resources


The women's liberation movement in the United States has faced setbacks, including systematic denial of access to resources and public discourse, but we are growing stronger with each day! Excitingly, WoLF expanded its professional team to include more paid staff and fellowship positions for legal work, nonprofit development, and communications: Lauren Adams, Legal Counsel; M. K. Fain, Communications Fellow; and Hannah Sullivan, Fundraising and Development Coordinator. In addition, we are happy to welcome Lierre Keith, April Halley, and Kellie-Jay Keen (Posie Parker) to the WoLF board or advisory council.

We are also excited to announce that we have accepted over 100 new members to WoLF this year! (If you are interested in becoming a member, apply here).

In 2021, WoLF plans to grow even further thanks to the support of generous donors, volunteers, members, and supporters. As we rise to fight the threats posed by gender identity, WoLF’s capacity-building is vital for supporting the needs of our growing resistance movement.

Can you help us expand our capacity to defend women’s rights by donating to WoLF today?


New Abortion Restrictions Sweep Conservative States in First Weeks of New Term


WoLF Releases New Media Style Guide for Journalists Reporting on Sex and Gender