Writers of the Letters for the Front have provided permission to share their submissions, and while WoLF does not necessarily endorse all of the content in Letters from the Front, we value our supporters' freedom of speech and only request revisions or edits concerning readability. Read our User Generated Content policy for more information on community content.
From Women Who Are Angry and Afraid
“It took years for me to really understand that a man had been telling me what I should be comfortable with and that the fear of being seen as evil had silenced my own instinct to defend the rights of women and children.”
From Three Abuse Survivors
“Sexual abuse survivors feel powerless all over again and disregarded by society for fear of being labeled transphobic.”
From Women Who Thought They Were in the Wrong Body
“I did not think I was a girl, even though I was in a girls body. I mean, there was no way I could be...after all I didn't want to play with dolls.”
From Spaces That Are No Longer Safe
“It was like a fun game for them to pretend to need this as much, if not MORE, than the women I saw day in day out, most of whom were in serious pain or had serious body issues.”