“This is Outrageous and Unethical”
I am currently incarcerated at CIW. I do not agree with Senate Bill 132 that was written by Senator Scott Weiner, and irresponsibly signed by governor Newsom, that says the bill will support CDCR incarcerated transgender, non-binary and intersex community.
This will leave sex offenders to exploit women who are at a physical disadvantage to men.
We share very close quarters as it is with limited privacy and protection.
To allow this is outrageous and unethical. There are already men who converted to women who went back to being men to exploit this failing system. Leaving the already disadvantaged women population to suffer more by sex offenders.
WoLF is demanding an immediate halt to all transfers of male inmates to women’s prisons!
“Self-Id” policies like California’s SB 132 have been a disaster for incarcerated women, violating their civil and Constitutional rights.