“He Had No Intentions of Getting Rid of His Penis”
A volunteer has graciously translated this page into Portuguese, which you can read here.
My name is [redacted] and I am writing to you from Central California Women’s Facility (CCWF) in Chowchilla, CA where I am currently incarcerated. I felt compelled to write to you to express the fear and frustration women on the inside are feeling about this decision pertaining to SB 132, and to give you some background from my perspective on how this has been evolving.
California has 34 prisons, two of which are for housing women; CCWF located in the Central Valley with approximately 2,500 inmates and CIW (California Institute for Women) which is located in Southern California with approximately 1,200 inmates. When I first arrived, CCWF had nearly 4,000 women but after a three Federal Judge panel ruled a reduction due to overcrowding, the capacity is supposed to be ~2,570 and this continues to be difficult for CDCR (CA Department of Corrections) to abide with. CCWF is the largest women’s prison in the nation and world, and includes ~20 women house on condemned row.
As for myself, I am 61 years old and have begun my 19th year of an LWOP (life without parole) sentence. I am college educated, having earned a B.S. in Biochemistry prior to prison. I had a successful business and wasted it all away by making a hasty and horrible decision that changed my life forever, as well as countless others. I grew up in the Bible belt of the Midwest and moved to California for career purposes in the late 1980’s.
With all that said, Governor Newsom signed into law Senate Bill 132 on Septemeber 6, 2020 written by CA State Senator Wiener entitled, “The Transgender Respect, Agency and Dignity Act.” This is an Act that added to sections 2605 and 2606 of the CA Penal Code. In Section 2606, item 3, it states that a transgender individual “shall be housed at a correctional facility designated for men or women based on the individual’s preference…” and item 4 concerning how they are to be housed states they can be housed as “single-cell status, housing the (transgender) individual with another incarcerated person of their choice, or removing individuals who pose a threat” to the transgender person.
In other words, these men or transgender persons get to decide where they want to live; prison and/or room. If women object to them getting moved into a room, the women will be moved to accommodate the transgender person. Essentially, the men or transgender has more rights than a woman in a women’s prison.
“A friend of mine, whose co-defendant and father of her child, has arrived at CCWF because he now identifies as “female” and has undergone sexual reassignment surgery. This trans-female is sentenced to death row. She is fearful if he is released into general population that he is coming after her to seek revenge, as he has made it clear that is his intention. Yet this trans-female was approved to come to CCWF, ignoring any enemy concerns and documented domestic violence.”
Let me take this opportunity to explain housing differences between a men’s and women’s prison. Men are housed in 2-man cells and segregated by race and custody level (I through IV, with IV being the most violent). The different levels are separated by yard and these yards are not allowed to mix with one another. Women are housed in 8-man cells/rooms. We are not segregated and can program with women from other yards. For example, women from all yards can attend church, special events, self-help groups, vocational and education classes, and work a job together.
Here's some history based on my perspective. In 2011-2012, CCWF received a male inmate (the first one that I know of) who had been trying to get transferred to a female prison. He ended up cutting off his penis while in a men's prison using the CDCR's definition that a person who doesn't have a penis is considered a female. I am perplexed that CDCR doesn't use the biological definition of a female that has two X chromosomes and a male that has one X and one Y chromosome. This definition should be undisputable. However, this man found a way by filing multiple law suits that he eventually won to manipulate the system to get a transfer to a women's institution.
When he arrived, it was no secret that he was here and that his criminal history included sexual assault and rape with foreign objects against multiple women. What could be more ideal for a rapist than to serve a life sentence in a women's prison housed with 7 other women so he can further traumatize, assault and rape more women? The institution claimed he was not a "threat," yet a single room was emptied so he could be housed alone in an 8-person room/cell.
Regardless of the fact that he had chopped off his penis, this man had nothing female about him nor was pursuing reassignment surgery. Keep in mind, many women in prison have been traumatized by men, are untrusting and fearful of men, triggered by them and are in prison behind a man's actions. Soon after this man was cleared and moved from the prison reception center to general population, a group of women rushed up on him in his room and beat him very badly. He was eventually packed up and transferred to CIW where he remains incarcerated today.
Approximately 4-5 years ago, CCWF was once again faced with another man; this time one who had undergone reassignment surgery to a female (aka trans-female) and being transferred to CCWF. This was about the time, after multiple law suits had been filed by men, that the State of California approved that CDCR would perform sex reassignment surgery for inmates at the taxpayer's expense. This was a pivotal time and I remember thinking this decision/ruling was "opening a can of worms" and providing an avenue for criminally thinking men to manipulate their way to a female prison to continue harming women, as well as having an easier incarceration term. This, as it turned out, is exactly what I feel is happening.
In fact, we even saw many women identifying as 'men' opting to take testosterone shots, start dressing like guys in men's clothing issued by CDCR, being issued transgender ID cards, making demands they use proper male pronouns when referring to them, having breast removal surgery, and much more. I know of no female who has undergone surgery to construct a penis yet. This type of surgery is much more costly than surgery for constructing a vagina. The really sad thing is that when a woman has to have a mastectomy, she can't get a breast reconstruction but a man can get breasts and a vagina! Also, our medical care is substandard, however if you want a sex change -not a problem!
I had a friend who recently parole, needed a breast reduction because she was experiencing excruciating back and shoulder pain. She was denied surgery multiple times by Sacramento. Additionally, another friend had breast implants prior to coming to prison and when they began leaking into the surrounding tissues, she was denied medical assistance because it was considered "cosmetic."
So this trans-female I mentioned in the previous paragraph arrived and was placed in a room with several females. Because he now had a vagina, he had to use a medical device (resembling a dildo) to keep it dilated to maintain its shape and prevent collapse of the vaginal walls. I was told he was selling the medical devices to the girls, teasing them with it, and flaunting it around. He also showed his genital area to the girls, both in the room and in the common dayroom. He wasted no time in finding a girlfriend who he later beat up a few times and landed in Ad-Seg (prison jail). At some point, he decided he wanted to be a man again and stopped taking his female hormones. This person walks like a man, talks like a man and looks like a man except for the eye makeup her wears and his tattooed eyebrows.
Another man who wanted to go through reassignment surgery filed all his paperwork but was paroled before it was approved. He had been raped multiple times in a men's prison and brought attention to prison rape advocacy. When his surgery was approved by CDCR, he was living in the free world and the State of California still paid for it. He ended up violating his parole and was re-incarcerated at CCWF, where the State continued to pay for additional vaginal reconstruction. I have personally worked with this individual, presenting inmates' rights and responsibilities regarding Prison Rape and Elimination Act (PREA), women' health education and communicable diseases/infections awareness.
A few other trans-females have arrived post sexual reassignment surgery. The procedure that was being followed by CDCR was that any man who identified as "female" and wanted to have sexual reassignment surgery had to apply and got through a thorough psychiatric interview. Once chosen or approved, they would undergo the surgery and transfer to Mule Creek men's prison for recovery, then on to CCWF.
However, as of January 1, 2021, any man, regardless if he has or will have surgery, who says or identifies as "female" are eligible to go to a women's prison. They don't even have to have their penises removed. Currently, we have ~14 men on site at CCWF with penises 'intact', still processed by "male" names, and this prison is expecting 300-400 more. Thanks to Senator Weiner and Governor Newsom, women in this prison are being put at risk for sexual assault, rape, abuse, being violated and trauma. This decision was not well thought out and typical of Sacramento policy makers. How could they think this could be a positive and safe thing? This cannot have a good ending, and our hands are seemingly tied.
A young girl who I just spoke with told me of her interaction with a "man" on the reception yard. He spoke of "getting it on" with the women and he had no intentions of getting rid of his penis. These guys have been overheard saying to one another, "Stick to the plan." What exactly is the "plan?" We are not certain. I will not be surprised [when] the first female gets pregnant.
Due to this horrible decision in allowing men to come here, both custody staff (correctional officers) and women inmates are upset. The officers don't want to deal with the men, even to the point of not coming in to work and therefore we are locked down more often. Men are physically stronger than women which poses a threat not only to the women but also the officers. In California, officers are paid more when they work in a men's prison and if we get a significant number of men in here, they will demand to be paid more to work in this prison.
Many of the women are scared, angry and worried about their safety. We do not want to be forced to live with any "man", locked in a room we can't get out of without officers keying the locks and no cameras to record abusive activity. Showering, using the toilet, changing clothes, and sleeping at night pose an unsafe environment for us. This is a prime example of the "higher ups" in Sacramento making decisions about the day to day operations of a prison in which they are so far removed they have no due. I believe they have failed to consider these men are criminals and don't have the best of intentions, and are manipulating the system to get what they want. Women are being put at risk and someone is going to get hurt badly. Unfortunately, nothing can be done until it actually happens.
A friend of mine, whose co-defendant and father of her child, has arrived at CCWF because he now identifies as "female" and has undergone sexual reassignment surgery. This trans-female is sentenced to death row. She is fearful if he is released into general population that he is coming after her to seek revenge, as he has made it clear that is his intention. Yet this trans-female was approved to come to CCWF, ignoring any enemy concerns and documented domestic violence. Additionally, several trans-females who have had their reassignment surgeries prior to prison and were living as "female" in the free world have been incarcerated at CCWF and processed as women. These individuals have not posed the same sort of threat that the actual men coming in here today will. Most of the women I believe would agree with me on this.
Regardless of the fact that we are inmates, we should not be subjected to potentially harmful situations such as placing men and women in the same prison facility. Is it not the responsibility of CDCR to maintain the safety and security of those in the institution? How are the officers able to ensure the safety and security of everyone when they were not even considered in the decision to bring men into a women's prison? This is simply an irresponsible decision on the State of California's part.
There are now multiple instances where women's co-defendants are arriving at CCWF under S8132 without administrative staff notification. I know of only one woman who was notified prior to her co-defendant's panel hearing under 58132. For years, she has spoken out about her fears because she is well aware that her co-defendant has been diligently trying to get approved for sexual reassignment surgery. He is sentenced to death row and has made multiple failed attempts to castrate himself over the past 16 years. He has also made multiple outcries through media to gain sympathy. To date, his 5B132 hearing has been post-phoned while the woman is experiencing severe stress, anxiety and nightmares. She has been told that the institution will notify her of the outcome of his hearing, but like others, there is no guarantee that will happen in a timely fashion, if at all.
Finally, I have attached a copy of the classes the men are required to attend as a prerequisite to transfer to a women's prison; Notice that only 16 hours are mandated for screening. What happened to 2+ years of intense therapy people used to have to go through when deciding to go through sexual reassignment?
I hope this information has shed some light from an 'inside' perspective. You are free to share this information as you like, however at this time I prefer you keep my name anonymous for personal safety purposes. I have other women that would be happy to provide their own perspectives and if you are interested I can provide their names and contact information. […]
It is very seldom that our voice can be heard and I felt you needed to hear from someone in a prison setting faced with this specific challenge of which we had no control over. Thank you in advance for allowing me to express myself.
Anonymous @ CCWF