“The Medical Industry Is Not Infallible”

“These so-called transitioners are not becoming the opposite sex, but they are becoming medical patients for life.“

The medical industry is not infallible, nor is it true that doctors “Do no Harm” we know this from history as well as the present. Homosexuals were considered mentally ill for decades because heterosexual doctors could not conceive homosexuality as natural. In 1973 it was decided that homosexuals were not mentally ill and the diagnosis should be removed from the Diagnostics and Statistics Manual (DSM). Homosexuality as a diagnosis of mental disorder was not removed from the DSM until 1986! During the time of this diagnosis homosexuals were subject to horrific experiments in what is known as conversion therapy. Put simply, doctors were trying to force heterosexuality on homosexuals. They used drugs, shock therapy, the lobotomy, and even forced heterosexual intimacy to try and change the subjects sexuality.

I have a BA in psychology but I left the field after I graduated because I did not like the direction in which it was moving. When I graduated in 1992 they had just come out with a new doctoral program that would allow psychologists to prescribe drugs. When psychologists started asserting that people who were suicidal had a self hatred I knew something was wrong. I tried to commit suicide at age twelve and I am quite sure it was not self hatred that motivated me but the hatred of my life. I had been raped and molested as a young child by several different adult males. I was also just starting to realize that I had lesbian tendencies. I was confused and when I met a girl who I felt I was in love with at first sight and subsequently found out that she had planned to kill herself I wanted to die with her. (I blame Shakespeare for that!) I did not want her to die alone and I did not want to live without her. I felt she was my soulmate and I would never find another like her. We both survived and I was lucky to have escaped hospitalization and subsequent prescription drugs.

These so-called transitioners are not becoming the opposite sex, but they are becoming medical patients for life. The puberty blockers prescribed to girls were developed for use in extreme cases such as menstruation coming on at age six! Like the opiates that were developed for cancer patients ended up being over prescribed so are puberty blockers. These drugs are dangerous and cause irreversible damage. Sex is a biological fact. It cannot be changed. The attempt to do so with drugs and surgery is only perpetuating a delusion. Very similar to the delusion that homosexuality is a mental disorder. They are using this delusion the same way to experiment, but this time it is our children they are experimenting on with abandon. While legislators are busy taking away the rights of women to safe space and the rights of parents not to have their children indoctrinated in a false delusion that can only be described as a cult except it is coming from the medical industry, children are being disfigured. Homosexual girls are being coerced into transition. To make matters worse it is a well known and established fact that hormonal balance is vital for mental health and this “treatment” for “gender dysphoria” is creating hormonal imbalance. There is also evidence that transitioners are more suicidal than the so-called gender dysphoric and suicide is how they are justifying this experimentation on our children.

I thank the Great Earth Goddess every day that I was not born in this era or should I say error. I was a Tomboy and I am Lesbian and it was a long road to accept myself for who I am because of homophobia. I had to overcome not just societies homophobia but my own as well. If I were an adolescent these days I most likely would have gotten caught up in the horrors of the mental health industry like my Mother and her Mother before her. My Mother and my Grandmother were both abused and the mental health industry labeled them mentally ill and drugged them, hospitalized them, experimented on them, and in the case of my Grandmother institutionalized her. Now they are turning children into medical patients for life. I am grateful that I escaped the nightmare children are experiencing today just because they don't fit the gender role stereotype of their sex.

I realize that legislators are at the mercy of the medical professionals in terms of knowing what is best in the field of mental health, but the fact that Trans Radical Activists are screaming ‘STFU’ to anyone who dares challenge the delusion should be a tip off that something is wrong. Instead, Legislators are abandoning women’s rights, parents rights, and children’s rights.

- L. F.

Letters From the Front is a series from WoLF curating stories from women about how “gender identity” ideology has impacted them. We’ll share new letters, submitted anonymously, each week. Write in to share your own story!

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When Conversation Breaks Down


I Am Part Of an Underground Network of Therapists Treating Detransitioners