Women's Liberation Front

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WoLF Submits Testimony Supporting Maine Bill to Save Women’s Sports

Sen. Anne Carney
Rep. Thom Harnett
Maine Committee on Judiciary

Lauren Adams
Legal Director, Women’s Liberation Front

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Support for LD 926, An Act To Ban Biological Males from Participating in Women's Sports

Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) is a national radical feminist organization with members across the country (including in Maine) dedicated to defending the rights of women and girls. We strongly support LD 926, banning males from participating in women’s sports, because of the positive impact it will have on maintaining the social and educational gains for women and girls in Maine through sports. 

Since the passage of Title IX, the ability to participate in competitive athletics has had a huge positive impact on women and girls in the United States. In addition to the physical health benefits of an active lifestyle, participation in sports among girls has been shown to increase academic success, boost self-esteem and confidence, lead to lower rates of teen pregnancy, and help women achieve long-term in their careers. The fashion of allowing male students to compete in female athletics based on “gender identity” claims puts this progress at risk by costing hard-working women and girls the opportunity to compete in fair and safe sporting competitions.

Males and females are biologically different, with males having physical advantages that start before puberty, that put them ahead in nearly every competitive sport. These changes are not fully reversed with the lowering of testosterone levels or other forms of medical transition, which is often not even required when “gender identity” policies are put in place. When boys are allowed to compete against girls, girls become spectators in their own sports. There have already been instances, such as in Connecticut, where girls have lost out on athletic opportunities because of these policies. 

Other states have already passed similar laws protecting women’s and girls’ sports, and national polling demonstrates that such policies are supported by a bipartisan majority. The passage of LD 926 will ensure that female student-athletes in Maine aren’t forced into a world where women’s sports essentially cease to exist. We urge the committee to pass LD 926 and stand up for the equal educational rights of women and girls. Thank you for this opportunity to testify.